Beijing Releases Compliance Management Guidelines for Science and Innovation Enterprises

2024-04-23 07:45 Source: People's Daily

Beijing, April 22 (Reporter Wang Zhou) Recently, the Beijing People's Procuratorate, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, and the Beijing Federation of Industry and Commerce formulated and released the Guidelines on Compliance Management for Science and Innovation oriented SMEs (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines), which defined the key areas and links of compliance management for relevant enterprises.

According to the requirements of the Guidelines, the key areas of compliance management for sci-tech innovative SMEs include preferential policy application, revenue management, intellectual property protection, network and data security protection, etc. In terms of revenue management, the Guidelines require relevant enterprises to strengthen the management of enterprise bank settlement accounts, and shall not carry out illegal acts such as transferring the company's revenue to personal accounts or opening accounts in the name of individuals to store the company's funds, so as to prevent the company from bearing unlimited joint and several liabilities to the outside world as well as occupation of duties Misappropriation of funds and other illegal and criminal acts occur. Key links include enterprise related system formulation, business decision-making, scientific and technological research and development, production and operation, etc.

The Guidelines require enterprises to strengthen the compliance management of key personnel. In terms of management personnel, it is required to improve the awareness of compliance and take the lead in carrying out business management activities in accordance with laws and regulations; In terms of personnel in important risk positions, it is required to define relevant positions according to compliance risk assessment, and increase training to make personnel in relevant positions familiar with and strictly abide by various systems involved in business. The Guidelines issued this time are encouraging guidelines and specifications, which will help relevant enterprises to change from "passive compliance" to "active compliance", build a sound compliance management system as soon as possible, and ensure the legality and compliance of business behavior.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)