Why is there so much rain in the south recently?

2024-04-23 07:40 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph

According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 22 (Reporter Huang Yao) Since April 19, heavy rainfall has constantly affected the southern and southern regions of the Yangtze River, with the cumulative precipitation in many places breaking the historical record in April. Why is there so much rain in the south recently? Will there be strong precipitation and convection in the future?

According to the monitoring, the accumulated rainfall in many places in recent days has reached 100 to 150 mm, and that in Zhaoqing, Qingyuan, Shaoguan, Guangzhou, Huizhou and other places in Guangdong has reached 300 to 488 mm. As of Monday, 44 rivers in the Pearl River basin had exceeded the warning flood.

Ma Xueqian, the chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, introduced that since April, the subtropical high has been stronger than the same period of the year, which is conducive to the water vapor transport from the South China Sea and the Bay of Bengal to the southern region. At the same time, the plateau trough and the southern branch system are active, resulting in frequent heavy precipitation processes and longer rainfall duration in the southern region. In addition, the air temperature in Jiangnan, South China and other places is significantly higher than that in the same period of the year, the atmospheric water content is rich, and the unstable energy is high, leading to the vigorous development of convection, high rainfall intensity, and the accumulated precipitation in many places breaking the historical record in April.

It is predicted that the heavy rainfall in Jiangnan and South China will shrink from the 22nd, but the rainfall will not stop completely. It is expected that in the next three days, there will still be rain in the eastern part of Jiangnan and the central and eastern parts of South China, including some areas in central and southern Guangdong and southeast Fujian, where there will also be heavy rain, local heavy rain, and severe convection weather.

How will the precipitation in southern China develop in late April? The medium-term weather forecast released by the Central Meteorological Station shows that the rainfall in Jiangnan and South China is significantly higher in late April, and severe convective weather is frequent. The accumulated precipitation in Jiangnan, South China, southern Sichuan Basin and northern Guizhou is 50 to 120 mm, with local precipitation exceeding 400 mm; The precipitation in most of the above areas is 50% to 80% more than that in the same period of the year, and in some areas it is more than twice as much.

Recently, the rainfall in Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places is strong and the falling areas are highly overlapped, and the soil water content tends to be saturated. Meteorological experts remind that the public should be alert to the possible mountain torrents, debris flows, landslides and other disasters after heavy rainfall or continuous rainfall, avoid going to mountainous areas and areas prone to geological disasters, and pay attention to the possible adverse effects of severe convective weather.

In addition, spring and summer are the periods of high incidence of severe convective weather, thunderstorms, hail, etc. are often "coming at the drop of a hat". Experts said that when focusing on severe convective weather, corresponding preparations can be made for three different levels. At the stage when the meteorological department issues a possible forecast, the public can increase their attention and frequency to the weather forecast; After giving an early warning, it is necessary to consider canceling travel plans, reducing travel and strengthening infrastructure; When the severe convection weather has come, move to a safe place as soon as possible and hide in a solid building.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)