The anti-collision pier of Jiujiang Bridge in Guangdong was temporarily closed to navigation in the water area where the collision occurred

2024-04-23 08:22 Source: CCTV News Client

According to the report of Foshan Water Search and Rescue Center in Guangdong, the anti-collision pier of Jiujiang Bridge in Foshan, Guangdong, was collided by a ship on the evening of April 22, and relevant departments have rushed to the scene for disposal. Except for emergency rescue boats, other ships are prohibited from entering the waters within 3km upstream and downstream of Jiujiang Bridge.

In addition, according to the notice of Nanhai Branch of Foshan Public Security Bureau, temporary traffic control was implemented in both directions of Jiujiang Bridge because the anti-collision pier of Jiujiang Bridge on G240 National Highway was collided by a ship.

(Head Office reporter Wei Xing and Wu Meimiao)

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)