There is still strong rain in the south and east of Guangdong, and heavy rain in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other places

2024-04-23 08:21 Source: China Weather Network

China Weather Network News Today and tomorrow (April 23-24), there will still be heavy rain or rainstorm in southern and eastern Guangdong, and the rain in Guangdong will increase the day after tomorrow. Attention should be paid to prevent possible secondary disasters caused by continuous rainfall.

Yesterday, the rainfall in Guangdong weakened, and strong rainfall mainly occurred in the southwest. Maoming suffered heavy rain.

Today, strong rainfall mainly occurs in the south of Guangdong. According to the forecast, there will be moderate rain in southern cities and counties, local heavy rain or rainstorm to shower; Other cities and counties are cloudy with scattered showers.

In the city, it is cloudy and heavy rain in Guangzhou today; Cloudy to cloudy at night, with showers; The temperature is between 22 and 26 ℃; The relative humidity is between 86% and 97%; A slight to gentle southerly wind blows.

It's cloudy in Shenzhen today, with heavy rain to rainstorm; The temperature is 23~27 ℃; The south wind is 2~3, and the gust in coastal, highland and sea area is 8; The relative humidity is 75%~100%.

Tomorrow, the cities and counties in central and eastern Guangdong will be showered with heavy rain and local rainstorm; In other cities and counties, it is light to moderate rain and local heavy rain.

The meteorological department reminds that in the near future, there are frequent heavy rains in Guangdong. Today and tomorrow, there will still be heavy rain or rainstorm in southern and eastern Guangdong, and the rain will increase in Guangdong the day after tomorrow. Attention should be paid to preventing secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, mountain torrents, debris flows, landslides, and floods in small and medium-sized rivers.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)