Fully promote online! The latest release by the State Administration of Taxation

2024-04-03 07:44 Source: CCTV Finance

Today (the 2nd day), the State Administration of Taxation issued a number of measures to facilitate the handling of taxes, including the comprehensive promotion of online national unified and standardized electronic tax bureaus.

It is understood that in 2024, the "spring breeze action for tax convenience" will focus on high frequency issues in tax handling and payment and prominent problems reflected by taxpayers and payers. We launched measures to comprehensively promote the online nationwide unified standardization of electronic tax bureaus, optimize the electronic tax bureaus of natural persons, help newly established business entities to improve their credit rating as soon as possible, and improve the annual starting score of A-level taxpayers with tax credit, so as to consolidate the basis for tax service supply. In terms of improving the response to tax service demands, efforts were made to get through the blocking points of tax payment, introduce measures such as expanding the scope of preferential tax refund for individual income tax settlement, and prepare guidelines for preferential tax policies to support the development of the manufacturing industry, so as to improve the efficiency of solving tax and fee related demands.

At the same time, through "promoting data exchange and sharing" and "strengthening the application of digital technology", we have promoted the optimization of tax payment process, data simplification, and cost reduction, introduced measures to improve the information pre filling function of special additional deductions for serious illness medical treatment, optimize the "one-stop" declaration function of personal pension pre tax deductions, and accelerate the reform of electronic railway and civil aviation invoices.

In addition, tax departments at all levels will further innovate and upgrade integrated service scenarios such as "cross regional office", "cross-border office", "batch office" and "one window office" to promote the upgrading of tax services.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)