The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development issued a document to speed up the rectification of urban waterlogging prone points and hidden danger points

2024-04-03 07:38 Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 2 (Reporter Wang Youling) The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development recently issued a notice to make arrangements for urban drainage and waterlogging prevention in 2024. One of the important tasks is to speed up the rectification of waterlogging prone points and hidden danger points.

The notice requires that all urban housing and urban construction (drainage) departments should comprehensively investigate the risk of waterlogging and waterlogging, update the standing book of waterlogging prone points in a timely manner, develop a "one point, one policy" scheme based on systematic planning, distinguish priorities and impact levels, refine governance tasks, identify responsible units and responsible persons, and eliminate potential risks. For waterlogging prone points that cannot be rectified in place before the flood season, temporary emergency disposal measures shall be taken, eye-catching and easily identifiable public warning signs shall be set up, and emergency rescue and patrol personnel shall be arranged to avoid casualties.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection and maintenance of urban infrastructure in areas prone to ponding, to prevent leakage accidents of municipal facilities such as street lamp poles due to ponding; It is necessary to investigate and rectify the risk points such as sunken overpasses, sunk tunnels and urban low-lying land, and eliminate the hidden water accumulation in a timely manner; Flood prevention and anti backflow measures shall be taken for important points such as entrances and outlets of subway and underground space of buildings. In extreme weather conditions or when serious waterlogging disasters may occur, take decisive measures such as shutdown, production suspension, shutdown and relocation to avoid risks.

The notice requires that all localities should fully understand the current severe situation of urban drainage and waterlogging prevention, improve the working mechanism of urban drainage and waterlogging prevention, clarify the division of labor among departments, and focus on the planning and construction of drainage and waterlogging prevention facilities and project reserves. The operation and maintenance units of urban drainage and waterlogging prevention facilities should conscientiously perform their daily patrol, repair and maintenance responsibilities, strengthen team building, improve rules and regulations and work procedures, regularly identify potential safety hazards, and timely organize emergency repair to ensure the safe and normal operation of facilities and equipment.

The notice requires that the urban housing and rural construction (drainage) departments of each city should organize the dredging of the drainage pipe network and ancillary facilities blocked by siltation in a timely manner, regulate and dredge urban rivers with waterlogging drainage function, and ensure smooth drainage; Organize the maintenance and overhaul of facilities and equipment such as pump station, gate and flap gate to ensure safe and normal operation; The mobile pump truck and emergency equipment shall be checked and maintained to ensure that they are in the "hot standby" state that can be used at any time; The missing and damaged well covers shall be repaired, and fall prevention measures shall be implemented to prevent safety accidents.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaohang)