Hot pot shop can "coach homework", is it a gimmick or really useful?

2024-04-24 09:12 Source: Guangzhou Daily

"Are you still worried about tutoring homework? From 17:00 to 21:00 on Monday to Thursday, elementary school homework tutoring services are provided!" Yesterday, the news that a well-known hot pot shop in Nanhai District, Foshan City launched "homework tutoring services" spread on the Internet, quickly attracting the attention of the neighbors. Is "homework guidance service" really relevant? Are parents excited? Yesterday afternoon, all media reporters of Guangzhou Daily conducted a visit and investigation.

Verification: This service has been suspended. No charge is only value-added service

Recently, an online photo was widely circulated in the neighborhood of Foshan. It said that a hot pot shop in Guicheng, Nanhai, provided "homework guidance service" from 17:00 to 21:00 Monday to Thursday. It was only for children who took meals on that day, and the address and telephone number of the shop were marked. Yesterday afternoon, a reporter from Guangzhou Daily came to this hotpot restaurant in Guicheng, Nanhai, and saw a billboard outside the store with the slogan "Spring New Product Launch". There was no "homework guidance" related publicity as shown in the online photos.

In the interview, Zhou Yu, the lobby manager of the store, told the reporter that "homework guidance service" really came from the store, but it has not been carried out at present. "This service was launched just a few days ago, but it is no longer available today. Because it is too exaggerated, we quickly accepted it." Zhou Yu said that because the launch time is not long, no parents have yet experienced this service.

Zhou Yu said that this service does not charge, but only value-added services. "When it was launched, it was just a whimsical idea. Our original intention was to let parents eat at ease, and the shop assistant could take children to play. We already have an amusement park here." Zhou Yu further explained that because some shop assistants are undergraduates, if they are just simple primary school homework, they can simply teach children in the hospitality area, not formal tutoring homework.

Voice: Some parents are willing to try something new, while others think it is just a gimmick

Is it legal and compliant for catering enterprises to launch "tutorial work" services? To this end, the reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Nanhai District Market Supervision Administration on this matter, and the other party said that the service is free of charge and does not involve operation.

During random interviews, the reporter learned that there are not only "heart throbs" who want to try something new, but also cautious "waiters" and "rejectionists" who are not "cold".

"If I have an appointment with a friend for dinner, I will consider choosing a restaurant where children can do their homework and have tutors." Miss Huo, the parent of Zen City, said that it is not a problem to give the shop assistant one or half tutors, but also a new experience for children.

Miss Li, the parent of Nanhai, thinks that this is just a gimmick. "The lighting and atmosphere of the restaurant is not suitable for homework, and it may not be the climate, but I want to experience it when I have time." Miss Cai, the parent, is also cautious: "Is this environment suitable for tutoring children? If there is a separate tutoring space, I think it is good."

"This is the marketing method of businesses." As a parent of primary school students, Ms. Chen of Chancheng said that she would not take her children to dinner and let them do homework. "Having a good meal is also a rare time for parent-child communication. There is no need for children to rush to do homework. At the same time, there is not much homework for primary school students, so there is no need to rush to do homework," said Ms. Chen, "However, it does not rule out that some children have a tight schedule after school. In order to catch up with some interest classes, they may rush to do their homework, so it is understandable to do homework in the hotpot restaurant. In short, I will not choose to eat here because I can coach my homework."

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(Editor in charge: Shi Xiaojuan)