Breeding South American seafood in the "farthest place from the sea"

2024-04-19 09:30 Source: Science and Technology Daily

◎ Our reporter Jie Manbin, correspondent Zhang Chaojun, Li Weili

"How can South American white shrimp be raised in Gansu?" "Linze can also produce South American white shrimp?" Speaking of seafood, most of them are considered to be the specialty of coastal cities. However, Linze, Gansu Province, located in the inland and "the farthest place from the sea", is ushering in the harvest season of "seafood".

How can a small town in the northwest raise South American white shrimp? Recently, the reporter went to Linze County, Zhangye City to explore the breeding ground.

In the breeding shed of Zhangye Fengsen Farmer Specialized Cooperative (hereinafter referred to as the "Cooperative"), a heat wave hit the area. Penaeus vannamei in the aquaculture pool is full of vitality, shuttling in the spray formed by the oxygen supply pump, one by one, bright in color and symmetrical in size. The reporter saw that the staff were carefully observing the growth of shrimp, carefully feeding feed, and timely adjusting the ventilation and oxygen content in the shed to ensure that a suitable circulating water environment was provided for the growth of Penaeus vannamei.

Why can South American white shrimp settle down in Linze? Ma Guibin, the deputy general manager of the cooperative, revealed the answer: "Linze County is located in the northern foot of Qilian Mountains. The Heihe River flows through a large area of rivers, lakes and marshes. The unique natural advantages make the water quality in the county clear, the light sufficient, the aquatic plants lush and the bait rich. This is a natural aquaculture base. In 2022, we will locate the breeding base in Linze, and use the Qilian Mountain ice and snow melt water to explore the development and breeding path of South American white shrimp in the northwest inland region. "

South American white shrimp belongs to sea shrimp, while Linze County is located in the northwest inland, where does the sea water come from? It turns out that through cooperation with universities, scientific research institutes, etc., the cooperative has found a solution in the early process of a large number of trial breeding - "seafood land breeding" mode.

"We tested the water indicators of the shrimp seedling introduction site, and simulated the marine ecological environment after precise deployment in the breeding site, so as to improve the survival rate of the shrimp seedling," Ma Guibin said. At the same time, the cooperative introduced a water purification system and a monitoring system to ensure that dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in the water body remain normal. The water quality is monitored regularly every day to provide the best water quality and growth temperature for Penaeus vannamei.

Ma Guibin introduced that the unique recirculating aquaculture technology and system were completely independently developed by the cooperative

The reporter learned that through the "land aquaculture of seafood", the cooperatives can produce 3-4 crops of shrimp every year, which is significantly higher than the traditional pond aquaculture. At present, the cooperative has invested 110 million yuan in the construction of the second phase project on the basis of the original 20 aquaculture ponds in the first phase, to simultaneously build a mandarin fish and perch aquaculture system. The second phase project has been put into operation, and the annual output is expected to reach 150000 kg.

"We are more confident from the successful trial breeding in the experimental shed to the commissioning of Phase I and Phase II projects." Ma Guibin said that this year, we will scale up the production of South American white prawn, so that Zhangye and surrounding areas can taste their own live shrimp.

Zhang Xiong, Deputy County Chief of Linze County, introduced that in recent years, Linze County has made full use of its resource advantages, adhered to the idea of "ecological aquaculture and brand development", vigorously developed its characteristic aquaculture industry, and continuously improved its aquaculture benefits. Now, it has established a comprehensive fishery breeding structure based on economic fish, featuring cold water fish, strontium rich crabs, and focusing on white shrimp from South America, Accelerate the formation of diversified industrialization pattern of fishery production. The county develops 32 aquaculture households, with an area of more than 8000 mu, an annual output of 720 tons of aquatic products, and an output value of 32 million yuan.

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(Editor in charge: Zhu Xiaoqian)