A bowl of Liuzhou snail powder, a road to rural revitalization

2024-04-17 07:30 Source: Science and Technology Daily

◎ Bao Huawu reporter Liu Hao

At the spring equinox, when the weather gets warmer, it is a good time to pick mushrooms.

In the fungus shed of Xin'an Village, Baisha Town, Yufeng District, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the fungus bags were stacked neatly, golden elm yellow mushrooms blossomed one after another, and the rich and unique aroma was filled in the shed. The workers are picking the mature elm yellow mushrooms and putting them into baskets for processing and selling.

"At present, mechanized and digital production has been basically realized in the two links of mushroom bag making and mushroom cultivation. Now, 12000 stick mushroom bags can be made every day, more than 10 times faster than before." Zhang Qiuling, the head of the production base, said pointing to the mushroom bag production line.

From mushrooms to bamboo shoots, from snails to beans, in the past three years, the Yufeng District has increased the planting area of raw materials for snails powder by 24300 mu, effectively ensuring the local supply of high-quality raw materials, and the output and output value of raw materials for snails powder have been "steadily high".

Scientific and technological seedling raising helps shoot farmers increase income

"Like other bamboos, Dendrocalamus latiflorus is best planted in the early spring when there is much rain. If the best planting time is missed, the survival rate will be affected." On March 12, at the 2024 Liuzhou snail powder raw material industry development site promotion meeting held in Liyong Town, Yufeng District, Huang Yanzhi, a bamboo planting "soil expert", raised his nutrition cup seedlings, Explain to farmers the key points and precautions for planting Dendrocalamus latiflorus.

Under the guidance of technicians, hundreds of bamboo shoot farmers shuttled through the mountains. Some of them planted seedlings, some fertilized, and some shoveled soil, outlining a beautiful picture of science and technology establishing the "bamboo" industry.

Because of its sour and crisp taste and unique smell, the sour bamboo shoots are considered by many diners as the "soul" of snail powder, with a large market demand. The raw material for making sour bamboo shoots is big head bamboo shoots, also known as Ma bamboo shoots, which is a kind of thick and delicate bamboo shoots. It takes 5 years for this kind of bamboo shoots to grow to its peak production period.

In the early years, the rapidly expanding consumption scale of snail powder made the raw material of sour bamboo shoots big head bamboo shoots urgent. In order to solve the problem of shortage of raw materials for snail powder, the Liuzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Liuzhou Municipal Government encourage people to plant bamboo shoots. If more than 100 mu of bamboo shoots are planted in succession, 900 yuan will be subsidized per mu.

"Based on the daily production and sales of 5 million packs of snail powder in Liuzhou, the daily demand for light sour bamboo shoots is about 250 tons, and the demand for sour bamboo shoots starts at 100000 tons a year." Huang Yanzhi, a native of Baisha Town, Yufeng District, said that in 2016, with the vigorous development of the snail powder industry in Liuzhou, he returned to his hometown to devote himself to the processing industry of raw materials for snail powder.

In order to solve the problem of shortage of sour bamboo shoots from the planting end, Huang Yanzhi and the villagers have found a new way to use nutrition cup to raise seedlings through continuous exploration over the years.

According to Huang Yanzhi, nutrient cup seedling cultivation refers to the cultivation of crops or fruit trees, flowers, and tree seedlings in a specific container containing culture soil and other substrates. Nutrition cup seedling cultivation is usually carried out in protective facilities such as plastic greenhouses and greenhouses, which can provide better nutrition and environmental conditions for the growth and development of seedlings. The survival rate of Dendrocalamus latiflorus can be guaranteed to exceed 95% through nutrient cup seedling raising.

Since 2020, Huang Yanzhi has planted more than 1000 mu of Dendrocalamus latiflorus through nutrition cup seedling raising, and has extended bamboo planting to the outside world for more than 40000 mu.

"This year we have cultivated 400000 bamboo shoot seedlings, which have been sold out." Huang Yanzhi said pointing to the bamboo shoot seedlings cultivated with nutrition cups on the ground, "because the government departments have increased support for the raw material industry of snail powder, farmers have high enthusiasm for growing bamboo shoots, and the supply of bamboo shoot seedlings cannot meet the demand."

In recent years, Yufeng District has increased the cultivation of raw materials for snail powder, and 10000 mu of bamboo shoots will be planted by the end of this year. By the end of 2025, Yufeng District will strive to achieve a planting area of 55000 mu of Dendrocalamus latiflorus, and the output of Dendrocalamus latiflorus shoots will be more than 50000 tons. The proportion of local bamboo shoots in raw materials for sour shoots will increase from 30% in 2020 to more than 60%.

Smart agriculture realizes efficient planting and breeding

The sound of the aircraft is booming, and the fertile soil is flying. During this period, with the gradual development of spring plowing production, the potato base of about 500 mu in Fulong Village, Liyong Town, Yufeng District was busy everywhere.

Under the guidance of agricultural technicians, local farmers worked together to standardize the operation of agricultural machinery to bury seed potatoes, cover soil, dig ditches, etc., which improved production efficiency, reduced labor intensity, and reduced production costs.

In order to ensure the high efficiency and stability of agricultural production, Yufeng District has continuously strengthened the supporting of agricultural machinery and equipment in recent years to improve the level of mechanization of agricultural production, in which potatoes have been planted mechanically.

Chen Jiaojiao, deputy mayor of Liyong Town, introduced that with the help of agricultural machinery, one machine can plant nearly 20 mu of potatoes a day, which can increase the operating efficiency by more than 10 times compared with manual work.

"Potato is one of the ingredients of snail duck foot pot. The yield of potato per mu can reach 4000-5000 jin, the output value per mu can reach more than 5000 yuan, and the net profit per mu can reach 2500-3000 yuan. The effect of helping farmers and increasing income is remarkable," said Chen Jiaojiao.

Not only is the planting efficiency of potatoes no longer what it used to be, but in the farmland of Wangmei Village, Baisha Town, Yufeng District, growers in Liuzhou snail powder raw material agricultural modernization demonstration area introduced automatic transplanters, which greatly improved the planting efficiency of raw materials such as pepper, beans, rice and other snail powder.

Xin'an Village, Baisha Town, Yufeng District vigorously develops the cultivation of raw materials for snail powder. Through the introduction of mechanized machines and intelligent technology, the local optimization of mushroom production chain will promote the development of agricultural production towards refinement, efficiency and greening, and actively explore the road to rural revitalization.

"This intelligent system can monitor the temperature, humidity, light intensity and carbon dioxide content of the room. If the temperature, humidity, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration are not within the set range, it will send a reminder and timely adjust the environment to the conditions suitable for the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium." In the bacterial bag breeding workshop in Xin'an Village, Baisha Town, Zhang Qiuling showed the function of the mushroom room environment automatic control system.

In addition to intelligent temperature control, humidity control, light control and wind control, the system can also record the number of bacteria in and out of the warehouse for convenient query and statistics. Breeding is carried out by means of digital information. The production base allows mushrooms to grow in the most suitable environment, and agricultural production becomes precise and intensive.

In recent days, the spring is getting stronger, the climate is getting warmer, and the elm yellow mushroom is growing happily, full and bright. "Last year, we built an intelligent mushroom house covering an area of more than 400 square meters, producing more than 1.5 million sticks of mushroom bags, with an annual output value of about 4 million yuan." Zhang Qiuling introduced.

By 2023, five standardized production bases for raw materials of Liuzhou snail powder will be built in Yufeng District, with a total planting and breeding area of 67100 mu. The annual disposable income of rural residents is 33600 yuan, ranking first in Guangxi. The raw material of snail powder has become the leading industry for rural revitalization and farmers to become rich.

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(Editor in charge: Wang Wanying)