Release of risk early warning for dry hot wind disaster of winter wheat

2024-05-15 09:07 Source: Guangming Daily

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the China Meteorological Administration jointly issued a risk warning for dry hot wind disaster in winter wheat on the 14th. Affected by the hot and sunny weather, it is estimated that from May 17 to 19, the risk of dry hot wind in winter wheat in central and southern Hebei, central and western Shandong, central and northern Henan, northwest Anhui, southern Shanxi, and Guanzhong in Shaanxi is high (yellow alert), while the risk in southern Hebei, northwestern Shandong, northern Henan, and southeastern Shanxi is high (orange alert). It is suggested that measures such as "one spray and three prevention", micro spray irrigation or small water fine irrigation should be taken in the above areas to prevent and reduce the harm of dry and hot wind.

Dry hot wind, also known as "fire wind", "hot wind" and "dry wind", is an agricultural meteorological disaster in the later period of wheat growth and development. It mainly occurs in the Huang Huai Hai Plain, southern Shanxi, Guanzhong Basin and Xinjiang, with a large area of influence and high frequency of occurrence. In addition, it may also occur in the late spring and early summer in North China, Northwest China and the Huang Huai region. Dry hot wind often occurs in late spring and early summer when there is little rain and high temperature. This time is also a critical moment for wheat heading, flowering and filling in North China, Northwest China and Huang Huai regions. If the temperature rises sharply, the humidity drops rapidly, and there is a certain wind force, it is easy to lead to too fast transpiration in the wheat field, insufficient water filling in the wheat root system, and a large area of wheat grain failure, or even death.

It is reported that the China Meteorological Administration will strengthen the real-time monitoring of the development trend of dry hot wind in wheat, do a good job in weather forecasting services in key regions, and work together with agricultural and rural departments to do a good job in information prompt and early warning release.

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(Editor in charge: Shi Xiaojuan)