Nutritional and beauty products are popular, and the market of women's health care drugs is growing

2024-05-14 07:23 Source: Guangzhou Daily

Guangzhou Daily (full media reporter Tu Duanyu) The Report on Women's Health Consumption Data released by Ali Health previously shows that women's health consumption has increased year by year in recent years, with an average annual increase of 20%, which has become the absolute main force of health consumption.

With the enhancement of women's self-protection awareness and consumption ability, the demand for women's health care drugs in China will continue to grow.

"Because of Mother's Day, the nourishing and beauty products have become popular recently." A pharmacist of a chain drugstore told the reporter that the store recently had large discounts and sales of donkey hide gelatin, red ginseng, protein powder, etc; The sales of bird's nest, mask, glossy ganoderma capsule and other products are relatively ideal; The nutritional supplements such as folic acid and fish glue that "expectant mothers" need are also favored by the market.

Not only offline, but also through e-commerce channels, the reporter found that recently many businesses are carrying out "boutique preferential" activities for women, and the hot products include products for tonifying qi and blood, clearing heat and regulating menstruation.

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(Editor in charge: Shi Xiaojuan)