Tell the truth | Do you want to put leftovers in the refrigerator while they are hot?

2024-05-08 08:56 Source: China Economic Network

Beijing, China Economic Network, May 8 (Reporter Shi Lan) One of the main ways to save food is to put the leftovers into the refrigerator to refrigerate for the next meal. But will the food be put in cold or hot? Many people are used to putting leftovers in the kitchen to cool down and wait until the temperature of leftovers drops to normal temperature - in fact, this is very unscientific. Especially in midsummer, such storage mode is easy to cause food poisoning. The leftovers should be put into the refrigerator immediately, no matter whether it is hot or cold.

In 2015, the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued a report on food poisoning incidents across the country. The results show that the number of food poisoning incidents reported and the number of deaths occurred in families is the largest, and the case fatality rate is the highest, accounting for 7.9%. Few people would think that the refrigerator at home is the hardest hit area for food poisoning. If the food is not properly stored, even if it is put in the refrigerator, there will also be a risk of food poisoning.

As the temperature drops after cooking, it provides an environment for bacteria to breed. Usually, when the temperature of food is lower than 60 degrees, bacteria begin to multiply. When the temperature drops to 30 to 40 degrees, the life activity of bacteria is the most vigorous. The bacteria mainly include Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes, which will bring harm to human health.

After the food is out of the pot, try to eat it within 2 hours. After the meal is closed, the leftovers should be put into the refrigerator as soon as possible to cool down quickly, so as to inhibit the propagation of bacteria and avoid the deterioration of leftovers.

So, will warm leftovers affect the life of the refrigerator? The answer is: No. Modern refrigerators are more intelligent and have a good refrigeration effect. Even if hot food is put into the refrigerator, it can be cooled quickly, almost without affecting the original food in the refrigerator.

When it comes to the bacteria in the refrigerator, we have to say Listeria. Listeria is a facultative anaerobic bacteria, which mainly uses food as the vector of infection, and is one of the most deadly foodborne pathogens. Listeria is ubiquitous in the environment and can be found in most foods. Meat, eggs, poultry, seafood, dairy products, vegetables, etc. have been confirmed as the source of infection of Listeria monocytogenes. Listeria monocytogenes poisoning can cause serious blood and brain tissue infections. Many countries have taken measures to control Listeria monocytogenes in food and formulated corresponding standards.

Listeria is relatively cold resistant, and can still grow and reproduce even in a low temperature environment of 4 degrees Celsius, so it is one of the main pollutants in refrigerated food. When you refrigerate leftovers, you must try to separate cooked food from uncooked food.

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(Editor in charge: Li Dongyang)