Tell the truth | Is a red skin egg better than a white one?

2024-05-08 08:53 Source: China Economic Network

Beijing, China Economic Network, May 8 (Reporter Shi Lan) Eggs, as well as other eggs, such as duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, are nutritious and comprehensive foods, containing protein, fat, ovoflavin, lecithin, vitamins and iron, calcium, potassium and other nutrients needed by the human body. The common eggs on the market are white eggs and red skin eggs. What's the difference between the two kinds of eggs? Which is better? Ma Guansheng, a professor at the School of Public Health of Peking University, said that the fact that the egg skin is red or white is mainly due to the different substances contained in the egg shell, which has little impact on the nutrients in the egg.

Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, and one 50g (12) egg contains about 6g protein. And because the amino acid composition of egg protein is very similar to human tissues, it can be almost completely absorbed and utilized by the human body.

We often eat eggs, but do you know what kind of eggs are good? How to eat eggs is healthier?

What kind of egg is good?

There are many "native eggs" and "white eggs" on the market that claim higher nutrition, so the price is more expensive. Are they really better than ordinary eggs?

Each 100g of eggs of all kinds has 75.2g of water, 13.3g of protein, 8.6g of fat and 2.4g of carbohydrates. Each 100g of native eggs contains 72.6g of water, 14.4g of protein, 6.4g of fat and 5.6g of carbohydrates. Compared with ordinary eggs, native eggs have slightly higher protein content, slightly lower fat content, and slightly different contents of other nutrients. From the comparison of nutritional components, it is found that the nutritional components of eggs of different varieties are roughly the same.

For every 100 grams of red skin eggs, 77.1 grams of water, 12.2 grams of protein and 10.5 grams of fat; For every 100 grams of white egg, 75.8 grams of water, 12.7 grams of protein, and 9 grams of fat. Compared with white eggs, red skin eggs have slightly lower protein content, slightly higher fat content and slightly different nutrient content, but the difference is very small.

Egg is a kind of food with high nutritional value, especially with high protein content and high-quality protein. When you buy eggs, you don't have to worry about which kind of eggs to buy. As long as you eat eggs, you can get high-quality nutrition from eggs.

The cholesterol content of yolk in eggs is high, which is why many people choose not to eat eggs, or throw away the yolk when eating eggs. This is wrong.

Cholesterol normally exists in the human body. Almost all tissues in our skin, bones, heart and blood contain cholesterol, but the amount is different. Cholesterol is not only a component of our body, but also plays an important role, including helping repair and integrity of blood vessel walls. Too much cholesterol in the blood is not good, too little cholesterol is not good. If it is too little, the blood vessel wall will become fragile, which may cause cerebral hemorrhage.

The content of fat and cholesterol in protein is lower than that in egg yolk. However, the yolk is rich in vitamins and has a complete range of vitamins, including all B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K and trace vitamin C. The minerals of eggs mainly exist in the yolk, and the content of egg white is low. Egg yolks are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and selenium. Eating eggs and losing yolks is actually losing nutrition.

Although the cholesterol content in egg yolk is high, egg yolk contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which should be eaten in moderation. One egg a day, the cholesterol intake will not exceed the standard. People with hyperlipidemia should eat less yolk, such as an egg, but the yolk can be halved.

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(Editor in charge: Li Dongyang)