Poor sanitation supervision is difficult. How to ensure food safety in takeaway stores

2024-05-08 07:23 Source: Economic Information Daily

As a new type of business arising from the development of the Internet, the number of food outlets specializing in takeout has increased in recent years. Due to their small scale, large staff turnover, hidden places, less direct contact with consumers and other reasons, some of the takeout restaurants without meals have potential food safety hazards, and some stores "sell dog meat by hanging sheep's head" to avoid the supervision of the platform and relevant departments. How can we effectively supervise the takeaway without a canteen to ensure the safety and health of takeaway?

Sticky feet standing and touching sticky hands

Bundles of food raw materials are randomly discarded on the ground, some people cook in narrow compartments, some people sleep barefoot, and the stove is covered with oil stains... This is what the reporter saw on the takeout street in a place in the north not long ago. On the Internet, many netizens also reported that there was a take away street in the local area, and the health problem was generally worrying. "It was really dirty" and "after reading it, I lost the desire to take away".

In recent years, there are more and more catering stores specializing in takeaway. Because they do not provide on-site food, the store area is generally small, and the corresponding investment cost is low, which is easy to be accepted by operators. Such stores do not need direct contact with consumers, so they often attract customers after exquisite packaging on the Internet. However, the reporter recently visited many places and found that the food safety problems of some pure takeaway stores were more prominent.

The reporter found that poor environmental sanitation is a common problem in these stores through an interview at a food delivery center in the north. When the reporter walked into a spicy spicy pot delivery shop, he found that the ground was full of oil stains. The cook who was working put several pieces of cardboard under his feet, and the operating platform was also covered with oil stains. The smell of fried peppers filled the small room.

In the adjacent stores, the same situation still exists. The supervisors of relevant departments said, "Sticking feet and touching hands". The most intuitive problem of some takeaway restaurants is that the hygiene is not up to standard. "It is difficult for consumers to see the actual operation link, so these stores also pay less attention to environmental sanitation"

During the interview, the reporter found that the health problem not only existed inside the store, but also outside the store. Outside some stores, it is not uncommon for garbage to be discarded at random and oil pollution to cross flow. "Some stores need to be burned with caustic soda regularly to ensure basic sanitation".

Some stores place food materials everywhere. According to the relevant provisions on food safety, in order to avoid rat damage and other problems, it is stipulated that food materials must be placed on the shelf 10 cm above the ground. However, during an unannounced visit, the reporter found that the semi-finished food materials of many stores were placed randomly on the ground. Some stores were too small, and the food materials stacked on the ground even blocked the takeaway boys who came to pick up food.

In addition, online and offline "two pieces of skin" in some takeaway stores without a meal. In a shop, the reporter asked the shop owner for the reason that he could not place an order. However, the person in charge led the reporter to an online shop with different names and said that they were the same. Reporters on the takeaway platform saw that there was little information about online stores of some stores, but some netizens commented that the stores were fully "packaged".

After inquiring about several takeaway platforms, the reporter learned that in order to reduce the discrepancy between the store pictures uploaded by merchants and the actual situation, the pictures displayed on the merchant details page were spontaneously uploaded by consumers after comments. In addition, the authenticity of the store and the store qualification certificate shall be strictly reviewed when the take away store without meals enters. The platform requires the store to upload the real environment map in the background to review whether the merchant really exists, but does not require the display of exposed pictures.

Difficulties in hidden supervision of stores

The food delivery shop without a canteen does not actively attract customers, has no physical contact with ordinary consumers, and lacks consumer supervision. In addition, due to its poor basic conditions, there are shortcomings in implementing the main responsibility of food safety.

First, there are fewer complaints, which are easy to be ignored by regulators. Liu Jianhong, director of the Food and Beverage Department of the Market Supervision Administration of Shanxi Province, said that the supervision of food and beverage stores includes the active supervision of the regulatory authorities, consumer complaints and other channels. However, because consumers can't see the actual environment in the pure take away stores, there are fewer consumer complaints in these stores. Only the regulatory authorities take the initiative to enforce the law, which is limited to the frequency of enforcement, and it is difficult to find all problems.

A staff member of the market supervision department told the reporter that from the perspective of actual complaints, the actual complaints of pure take away stores were far lower than those of ordinary dining shops. "In many cases, people do not sue and officials do not investigate, and these shops often have 'hidden corners'."

Second, the basic conditions are poor, the implementation of responsibilities is difficult, and the supervision is difficult to give consideration to reality. When the reporter visited, he found that most of the takeaway restaurants were mainly "mom and pop stores" and "brother stores". These stores had few staff and small store area. Liu Jianhong and others said that the staff responsible for food safety production in these stores were mainly part-time, which became a mere formality in the actual process.

In addition, most of the takeaway restaurants are located in remote locations, with low rent, small investment and weak risk bearing capacity of practitioners. A law enforcement officer from the Market Supervision Administration of Small Store Districts in Taiyuan City said that if the treatment is too strict, it is easy to lead to the closure of stores, but reminding law enforcement is difficult to form a deterrent, and the relevant law enforcement boundaries are difficult to control.

Third, it is easy to become a "shadow shop" under the background of "release and management service". The reporter learned that under the background of "release, control and service", the administrative license of catering "three small" stores belongs to the filing system, that is, it can be filed in the administrative approval department. Some supervisors said that many stores were hidden in residential buildings, and the supervision department did not even know that there were stores, so it was difficult to conduct substantive supervision.

Increase supervision and promote "bright kitchen and bright stove"

The reporter learned that more and more small food and beverage stores are shifting their focus from offline to online, and many large food enterprises are also exploring the "satellite store" model. The increase of takeaway stores without meals puts forward new requirements for supervision. At the same time, the regulatory authorities are also constantly exploring and strengthening the supervision of such stores.

Recently, Taiyuan Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued a warning letter on food safety for online catering. On the one hand, it requires online food suppliers to keep the information public, to publish authentic and effective license information on the main page of the network, as well as the name, address, food name and main raw material name of online food providers, and to be responsible for the authenticity of the information publicized, No false information shall be provided. At the same time, we should strictly control food distribution and advocate the use of "food safety seal" for food distribution to ensure that food is not contaminated during meal delivery; It is encouraged to set up special pick-up windows for online food service operators without canteen, and prevent food delivery personnel from entering the food processing area to prevent cross contamination.

In the interview, the reporter found that some takeaway restaurants without a restaurant have even become regional "top selling stores" and "order kings", and the regulatory authorities in some regions also focus on the supervision of these "online celebrity" stores with heavy labels. The Market Supervision Bureau of Jiancaoping District, Taiyuan City, when carrying out the special rectification of food safety for online catering, paid special attention to "online celebrity stores", "retail crown stores" and food suppliers with outstanding public feedback, and at the same time, strictly investigated illegal acts such as unlicensed, false certificates, and false certificates, banned "shadow stores" and stores with high safety risks according to law, and closed a number of them by banning Rectification and upgrading, demonstration and building, and promoting the upgrading and long-term maintenance of network catering in the whole district.

In addition, some regions are promoting the coverage of "Internet+Bright Kitchen" in takeaway stores without a hall. Liu Jianhong said that it is an effective way to solve the problem of food hygiene to let the pure take away restaurant open the food production process. We should vigorously promote the "Internet+bright kitchen", and force the restaurant to fulfill its own responsibilities with openness and transparency.

At present, some of the "take away street" secretly visited by the reporter has been online with the function of "Internet+bright kitchen" after rectification, and supervisors can check the production status of the store at any time through mobile phones.

Up to now, more than 40 "food safety demonstration streets" of online restaurants have been set up in more than 20 provinces (cities) such as Beijing, Hubei, Jiangsu, Shandong and Guangdong, and thousands of offline "Internet+Bright Kitchen" transparent restaurant demonstration stores have been built. Meituan takeout, through cooperation with local market supervision departments, has launched about 200000 merchants of bright kitchen, covering 56 cities in 17 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) such as Zhejiang, Guangdong, Gansu, Beijing, etc.

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(Editor in charge: Liu Peng)