5126 public interest litigation cases in food and medicine filed in the first quarter

2024-04-22 07:20 Source: Guangzhou Daily

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 21 (Reporter Liu Shuo) The reporter learned from the Supreme People's Procuratorate on the 21st that the procuratorial organs across the country continued to strengthen the handling of public interest litigation in the field of food and drug safety. 5126 cases were filed in the first three months of 2024, including 4235 cases involving food safety (including the quality and safety of agricultural products) and 891 cases involving drug safety.

Food agricultural products such as livestock and poultry meat and aquatic products will seriously affect the health and safety of consumers if banned substances are illegally added in the breeding and production links. In handling the case, the procuratorial organ found that there were problems of abuse of veterinary drugs and "human drugs for veterinary use" in several township aquaculture industries in a certain place. The randomly tested samples of tilapia, grouper and other aquatic products contained malachite green, chloramphenicol and other drugs and other compounds that were prohibited for food animals. In this regard, the procuratorial organ urged the administrative organ to carry out the special action of "cracking down on fake agricultural materials" according to law.

In handling cases, the procuratorial organ found that there were hidden dangers in the abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. In the first three months of this year, the procuratorial organs handled 23 public interest litigation cases involving the abuse of narcotic drugs. Four medical institutions in a certain place, knowing that the compound codeine phosphate oral solution and syrup contain the psychoactive drug ingredients that can make people addicted, still sold them to Zhao in excess of the limit and many times in violation of regulations by means of mixing goods and making prescriptions, resulting in the final use of such psychoactive drugs for drug production and trafficking. The procuratorial organs urge the competent administrative departments to investigate and punish according to law and carry out special rectification activities by making and issuing procuratorial suggestions and filing administrative public interest litigation.

It is reported that the procuratorial organ also found problems such as non-standard online sales and live broadcast marketing in the handling of public interest litigation cases. In the first three months of this year, the procuratorial organs handled 337 public interest litigation cases involving the safety of food and drugs sold through the Internet. The "talent" of an organization, as a consumer with personal experience, evaluated the food taste and service level of several catering stores through video sharing, and attached the group purchase link of the store below the video to promote the catering stores. However, the word "advertisement" was not clearly marked in the video, and some of the promoted stores had substandard food quality The actual price is inconsistent with the price in the promotion video. The procuratorial organ shall urge the administrative organ to regulate the release of video advertisements for charging and exploring stores, protect consumers' right to know, and maintain the safety of online food consumption.

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(Editor in charge: Shi Xiaojuan)