Hourly farming has become the "sweet cake" of spring plowing production

2024-04-12 07:17 Source: Workers' Daily

Recently, Keyouqian Banner of Xing'an League in Inner Mongolia ushered in the farming "planting season", and hourly work has become the "sweet cake" of spring plowing production. They cooperate with cooperatives and large growers to solve the problem of manpower shortage in busy farming seasons while flexibly obtaining employment at home, so as to increase income and become rich together.

In the greenhouse operated by Zhang Haijie, a large cucumber planter in Guangrong Gacha, Guiliuhe Town, Keyouqian Banner, hourly workers are pinching and thinning cucumbers. These hourly workers are all villagers in the village. They are familiar with farming and become "fragrant cakes" in the eyes of large cucumber planters when they are called.

With the growing number of planting cooperatives, large planting households, processing enterprises and other business entities, short-term migrant workers are urgently needed in busy farming seasons. These part-time farming jobs not only alleviate the "labor shortage" in busy farming seasons, but also provide employment opportunities for surplus labor. "I have several regular hourly workers who work neatly, solving the problem of my lack of manpower." The emergence of agricultural hourly workers solved the problem that plagued Zhang Haijie.

While reading their own "industrial economy" well, the farm hourly workers are also eating "labor meals" at their doorstep according to agricultural needs. They have a clear division of labor, tacit cooperation and are very busy. Yang Yongzhi, a grower in Beimin Hegacha, Guiliuhe Town, is leading the hourly workers to lay the plastic film between the tomato ridges. They are skilled and efficient. Soon, the plastic film in the whole greenhouse was laid.

It is understood that Guiliuhe Town, Keyouqian Banner, is constantly accelerating the pace of agricultural industrial restructuring. From March to October every year, people who stay at home finish their own farm work, and then go to nearby greenhouse planting households and large planting households to work on a part-time basis. The maximum income is 18000 yuan, and the per capita income is more than 6000 yuan.

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(Editor in charge: Shi Xiaojuan)