Is Zibo barbecue still on fire? This year's Tomb Sweeping Day holiday is still "people follow the crowd"

2024-04-07 09:27 Source: Workers' Daily

During the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, Zibo, the "online celebrity" city, once again opened the "people follow the crowd" mode. Since being out of the circle due to barbecue fire last spring, the culture and tourism of this old industrial city has always maintained a high degree of popularity, and the local government is also constantly optimizing measures to ensure the quality of the "golden signboard".

On the evening of the 5th, in a small barbecue shop in Zhangdian District, Zibo, tourists came to taste the barbecue inside and outside the house. "From the beginning of the holiday to the present, we have been stringing meat overnight and preparing food materials with special emphasis according to the preferences of foreign tourists." Fang Xin, the head of the barbecue restaurant, told reporters that he also specially arranged two employees to teach tourists to roll cookies, recommend places to play, and guide consumers to eat in other barbecue restaurants after waiting in line for too long to ensure that tourists have a good experience.

"Most tourists don't like last year, they just go after a barbecue. After dinner, they want to know more about Zibo's local history, culture and customs," said Fang Xin.

Wang Yan, a tourist from Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, is packing fried pancakes in front of the fried pancakes stall in the convenience market of Zibo Eight Bureau. "This sweet plum tastes delicious, and I'm packing some cumin and spicy ones to take home for a taste." Wang Yan said that she thought it was not the peak tourist season yet, so she arranged this "off peak" trip, but when she arrived, she was surprised by the sight of "jostling shoulder to shoulder".

During the holidays, long lines formed in front of many stores in the eight major bureaus. It is reported that since the temperature rose in the spring, the daily passenger flow of eight major markets has continued to increase. The daily passenger flow on weekdays has reached 80000 person times, and during the holidays it has reached 100000 person times.

For more than a year, Zibo barbecue and cultural tourism have continued to be popular, which is inseparable from Zibo's "good people, beautiful goods and good heart", and behind it is the silent efforts of all parties.

Zheng Haolin, head of the Convenience Market Management Office of the Eighth Bureau, told reporters that they learned from last year's experience and arranged special staff to be on duty to clear the congested roads. A complaint hotline of 3127002 was set up to handle complaints and solve problems with the purpose of "quick acceptance, quick disposal and quick feedback".

There are a number of volunteer service points around Qisheng Lake Park, where Haidai Building is located. Li Zhengliang, a volunteer in a red vest, is reminding tourists to pay attention to safety and play in a civilized manner. He enthusiastically guides the best route for tourists and helps them take photos. The smiling faces of tourists also make him very happy.

According to the person in charge of the volunteer team, they arranged more than 200 volunteers near Qisheng Lake Park, three shifts a day, and were on duty at fixed time. The volunteer service station also provides free luggage storage services for tourists, and is equipped with emergency medicine boxes and other convenience items to improve the tourist experience in an all-round way.

(Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, April 6)

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(Editor in charge: Shi Xiaojuan)