Four types of snack tea can help reduce blood fat

2024-05-15 15:57 Source: Tonight News

We recommend four kinds of snack tea, which can not only nourish the stomach and digest food, but also help reduce blood fat.

Chenpi Pu'er Tea Take 5~6g of Pu'er tea and 3g of Chenpi, brew it with boiling water as a substitute for tea and drink it.

Gynostemma pentaphyllum tea takes 5~10g Gynostemma pentaphyllum and 5~6g Pu'er tea, which can be used to make tea.

Hawthorn and red date tea Take 10~15g hawthorn and 3 red dates (cored), put them into the teapot, add some water, and boil tea together for drinking.

Red koji, ginger and jujube tea Take 5g of red koji, 3 pieces of ginger and 3 pieces of red jujube (seedless), put them into the teapot, add some water, and boil tea together for drinking. Wu Wei (from Guangzhou Daily)

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(Editor in charge: Han Lu)