The replacement of old cars for new ones drives industrial quality improvement and capacity expansion

2024-05-16 07:22 Source: International Business Daily

    The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to automobile vehicle Consumption. On February 23 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the fourth meeting of the Central Finance and Economic Commission, studied large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, and emphasized that: "We should encourage automobile vehicle Trade in the old for the new and other traditional bulk consumer goods, adhere to the linkage between the central finance and local governments, coordinate and support the whole chain and all links, and more benefit consumers. This is an important measure to promote high-quality development, which is both beneficial to the present and more long-term. " General Secretary's important speech vehicle Consumption work points out the direction. On March 7, the State Council issued the Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in, in which vehicle One of the key contents is to exchange the old for the new and support the circulation of second-hand goods. On March 28, the State Council held a video conference on promoting large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in. Premier Li Qiang emphasized that the upgrading of the economy and the improvement of the quality of life of urban and rural residents should be vigorously promoted through upgrading. The Ministry of Commerce also designated 2024 as the "Year of Consumption Promotion" to promote automobile vehicle Trade in the old for the new is a key point of promoting consumption this year.

    The issuance of a series of policy documents shows that the country has clearly decided to promote large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in as a major decision to promote China's high-quality development. This can not only promote consumption and investment, but also increase advanced production capacity and improve production efficiency. It can also promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, reduce security risks, benefit people and enterprises, and achieve more at one stroke, which will better play the fundamental role of consumption in economic growth.

    Currently, CNAC vehicle Its population ranks first in the world. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Public Security, in 2023 vehicle 336 million cars, 94 cities nationwide vehicle It has more than 1 million vehicles. steam vehicle The market has entered the stage of stock market, and how can we further stimulate the increase by revitalizing the stock to maintain the steam vehicle The inexhaustible driving force for the sustainable development of the market is that the country has made vehicle The root cause and overall consideration of the trade in deployment. Specifically, steam vehicle The market has entered a critical period of upgrading vehicle The overall consumption demand is mainly for replacement, and the replacement of old for new can break through the consumption congestion and further improve the user's choice of automobile vehicle And stimulate the consumer market, so as to update the new incremental space dominated by consumption and drive the whole automobile industry vehicle Industrial quality improvement and capacity expansion.

    First, promote scrapping and updating, and accelerate new vehicle Sales growth. In recent years, domestic steam vehicle The number of scrapped and updated base disks has grown rapidly, entering the peak of scrapping. According to the average scrap cycle of 15 years, it is estimated that in 2024 vehicle The market is qualified for scrapping vehicle The number of vehicles is about 8 million, and it is expected to reach 11.33 million in 2025. By offering more favorable purchase vehicle Conditions to encourage consumers to eliminate old cars vehicle , purchase new products that are more environmentally friendly and energy-saving vehicle , which is not only conducive to expanding consumer demand and accelerating new vehicle Sales growth is also conducive to promoting energy conservation and emission reduction and reducing environmental pollution, so that green consumption leads the new trend. Recently, under the promotion of policies, local governments and automobile manufacturers vehicle The brand has successively launched various promotion policies and subsidy activities to create a consumption atmosphere and enhance the momentum of consumption recovery.

    Second, active second-hand vehicle Market, promote automobile vehicle Replacement update. With secondhand vehicle Full implementation of new policies, domestic second-hand vehicle The market has entered a new stage of development. In the Action Plan for Promoting Large scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade in, supporting the circulation of second-hand goods is one of the key contents. According to the data of the Ministry of Public Security, the passenger use of the third and lower national emission standards vehicle The existing registered number is about 16 million, of which the continuous insurance coverage of compulsory traffic insurance is about 14 million. These longer vehicle Age multiplication vehicle It will be used in echelon to the vast economically underdeveloped areas. Smooth and active second-hand vehicle The transaction will drive a significant increase in replacement and renewal, which in turn will feed back the second-hand vehicle The market generates new vehicle Source supply has realized echelon utilization, lowered consumption threshold, and expanded automobile vehicle Consumption.

    The third is to promote the development of steam industry by exchanging the old for the new vehicle Market structural adjustment. This round of steam vehicle In the work of replacing the old with the new, the government adheres to the idea of policy guidance, market leadership and participation of all parties, and puts the focus of the policy on scrapping and updating, so that the valuable funds can maximize the consumption demand of the people with the largest demand for replacement. At the same time, we will give more play to the market-oriented mechanism, so that local governments vehicle Brand manufacturers, second-hand vehicle Dealers cooperate organically, give play to their respective advantages, and provide consumers with new energy steam vehicle It provides more abundant and comprehensive new products and services. In the long run, it is conducive to breaking the control of traffic congestion, air pollution and other reasons vehicle Purchase the quantity limit implemented to promote more scrapping vehicle Vehicles flow into formal scrapping channels, promote the construction of a unified national market, eliminate local protective policies, safeguard consumers' choice, and promote automobile vehicle Green development, transformation and upgrading of the industry to promote automobile vehicle The development of relevant industries upstream and downstream of the industrial chain effectively promotes the development of automobile vehicle The development of circular economy in the industrial chain.

    A new round of steam vehicle The old for new policy is playing an important role in stimulating market consumption, but also for the automobile vehicle The whole industrial chain and innovation chain, such as production design, technological innovation and sales service, inject new momentum. We believe that with the help of the policy, as long as we adhere to the market-oriented mechanism, give play to the enthusiasm of the central and local governments, enterprises and consumers, give consumers the right to market choices, and deliver better services to consumers, we will certainly be able to promote automobile vehicle The industry accelerated the formation of new quality productivity and embarked on the road of high-quality development.

    (The author is CNAC vehicle Assistant to President of Circulation Association)

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(Editor in charge: Guo Yue)