Zero Race International was established, and "reverse joint venture" highlighted the global strength of China's electric vehicles

2024-05-15 07:01 Source: China Economic Network

On May 14, Stellantis Group and ZeroRun Auto jointly announced that ZeroRun International was officially established and will first be sold in Europe in September 2024. The first two electric models launched were ZeroRun T03 and C10.

For Zero Run cars, the existing service network, logistics network and after-sales support system of Stellantis Group can be used to provide high-quality services for overseas customers, greatly reducing the cost and risk of going to sea. For Stellantis Group, it will accelerate the realization of the electrification goal of "Dare Forward 2030" with the help of the accumulation and strength of Zero Speed Vehicles in the field of electrification. This innovative cooperation mode can not only help the enterprises of both sides to achieve more efficient breakthroughs in market and value, but also highlight the global breakthrough of Chinese cars relying on electrification.

Yesterday (May 14), Stellantis Group and Zero Sport Automotive jointly announced that the two companies had passed all necessary approvals for the establishment of "Leapmotor International B.V." (hereinafter referred to as "Zero Sport International"), which also marked the official completion of the joint venture Zero Sport International.

Live screenshots of the press conference

On October 26, 2023, Stellantis Group and Zero Running Auto announced that Stellantis Group would invest about 1.5 billion euros to obtain about 21% of the equity of Zero Running Auto. At the same time, both parties have decided to establish a joint venture of "Zero Run International", which has the exclusive right to export and sell zero run cars to all other markets in the world outside the Greater China region, as well as the exclusive right to manufacture zero run car products locally.

After 200 days, Zero Run International was officially established. The joint venture will first launch sales in Europe in September 2024, and plans to expand its sales outlets in Europe to 200 by the end of this year, and expand its sales network to 500 by 2026. Starting from the fourth quarter of this year, it will enter the Indian and Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South American markets. The first two electric models launched are Zero Run T03 and C10.

The innovative cooperation model on a global scale will also open up a new path for the development of both sides. For Zero Running cars, Stellantis' mature and extensive sales channels worldwide will be a strong guarantee for its smooth sailing.

In 2023, a total of 144155 Zero Running cars will be sold, ranking third in the sales of new domestic car makers; In 2024, it still maintained a high growth rate. The sales growth rate from January to April reached 151.7%, with a total of 48415 vehicles sold, still ranking third. It is also a good way for zero running cars to stand firm in the domestic market and aim at a broader global market.

However, for the new car making force with "relatively thin family background and shallow experience", going to sea alone will undoubtedly face a series of difficulties such as high cost of channels, production and construction, lack of brand awareness, and encounter acclimatization or high probability events. The participation of Stellantis Group, which has a wide distribution in the world, will undoubtedly provide great help for the launch of Zero Run cars.

Specifically, with the help of the global layout of Stellantis Group, Zero Runner has been able to "go into action with light weight". It does not need to establish a large number of sales and service channels, marketing and operation personnel, production facilities, etc. overseas, but can provide high-quality services for overseas customers with the help of Stellantis Group's existing service network, logistics network and after-sales support system, Greatly reduces costs and risks. At the same time, the international vision and influence of Stellantis Group can also provide more support for the development of Zero Run cars.

Zhu Jiangming, founder, chairman and CEO of Zero Running Auto, live screenshot

Zhu Jiangming, the founder, chairman and CEO of ZeroRun, said: "The cooperation between ZeroRun and Stellantis Group is very efficient. Based on the competitiveness of ZeroRun technology and products, as well as Stellantis Group's support in overseas channels, services, marketing and other aspects, we hope users around the world can feel the driving experience brought by ZeroRun products."

For Stellantis Group, it will accelerate the realization of the electrification goal of "Dare Forward 2030" with the help of the accumulation and strength of Zero Speed Vehicles in the field of electrification. For example, in terms of technology, LEAP3.0 innovative technologies, represented by the four leaf clover central integrated electronic and electrical architecture, CTC batteries, and the new oil cooled electric drive, as well as its excellent cost-effective intelligent electric system, are the weak points that Stellantis Group currently lacks.

Tang Weishi, CEO of Stellantis Group, live screenshot

Carlos Tavares, CEO of Stellantis Group, said: "The establishment of Zero Race International is a big step in solving the urgent global warming problem through pure electric vehicles. With Stellantis Group's extensive commercial assets, strength and accumulation in the world, we will soon be able to provide customers with electric vehicle products with competitive prices and advanced technologies, and exceed customer expectations. "

In addition, it is worth noting that this innovative "reverse joint venture" mode can not only help the enterprises of both sides to achieve more efficient breakthroughs in market and value, but also highlight the global breakthrough of Chinese cars relying on electrification. In the international joint venture of ZeroRun, China's new energy vehicle manufacturer ZeroRun has played the role of brand and product output, marking the transformation of China's auto industry from "bringing in" to "going out". (Guo Yue, reporter of China Economic Network)

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(Editor in charge: Jiang Zhiwen)