There are new norms in the electric bicycle industry

2024-05-15 07:08 Source: Economic Daily

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with the General Administration of Market Supervision and the National Fire Rescue Bureau, issued the Regulations and Conditions for the Electric Bicycle Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations and Conditions) and the Administrative Measures for the Regulatory Announcement of the Electric Bicycle Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Measures) to strengthen the management of China's electric bicycle industry and regulate the production and operation of enterprises, Improve product quality, comprehensively improve the safety level of electric bicycle production, sales, use, charging and recycling, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

China is a major producer and consumer of electric bicycles in the world. At present, the social ownership of electric bicycles in China has reached 350 million. Electric bicycles have become an important means of transportation for people to travel in short distance. However, low industrial concentration, weak innovation and R&D capability of enterprises, and insufficient quality assurance capability are prominent problems in the development of the current electric bicycle industry.

Based on the basic principle of "reasonable layout, quality assurance, innovation and upgrading, and production safety", the Normative Conditions mainly put forward requirements from seven aspects, namely, enterprise layout, process equipment, product quality and management, intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing, production safety, labor rights protection, and consumer rights protection.

Consumers are most concerned about the quality of electric bicycles. The Specification Conditions regulate the product quality of the whole vehicle and key parts from multiple perspectives.

First, put forward relevant requirements from the main production equipment and production lines, such as cutting, welding, assembly and other important processes need to be equipped with production lines and equipment matching the vehicle capacity, and meet the key index requirements such as the welding automation rate of more than 70%, and the electric or pneumatic assembly tools reach 70% of the total station of the product process design on the assembly line; The second is to put forward relevant requirements on testing equipment and testing capability. For example, enterprises need to be equipped with chassis dynamometer and other necessary testing equipment, and have the testing capability of key components such as charger and battery; Third, strengthen the leading role of standards in product quality assurance, and require that the whole electric bicycle and charger, lithium-ion battery, lead battery, motor, controller, wire harness and other key parts should comply with relevant national or industrial standards; The fourth is to put forward relevant requirements from the aspect of strengthening the internal management system of the enterprise. For example, the enterprise should set up a quality management department, with specialists to implement relevant quality work arrangements according to the work system.

In addition, the Normative Conditions have strengthened the safety production level of the electric bicycle industry from five aspects. First, vigorously promote the construction of intelligent manufacturing, improve the level of security and resource allocation efficiency; Second, encourage the development of safety monitoring and management of electric bicycles and batteries throughout their life cycle; Third, enterprises are required to strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, equip professional staff, and establish and improve the safety production system; Fourth, warning signs and safety protection devices should be set up for posts prone to safety accidents such as machining and battery storage; Fifthly, the equipment, facilities and dust removal system for combustible dust production process shall meet relevant standards.

In order to improve the purchase experience of consumers and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the Normative Conditions require enterprises to establish a sound product sales and after-sales service system, provide a description of the use and recovery risks of lithium ion batteries, introduce the knowledge of standardized use and maintenance, and the helmets matched or presented with the vehicle must meet the requirements of national mandatory standards.

The relevant person in charge of the Consumer Products Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that the Normative Conditions were guiding documents and did not have the pre emptive and mandatory nature of administrative approval. Excellent electric bicycle manufacturers are encouraged to actively apply for standardized announcements. Enterprises listed in the announcement list should strengthen their own management, ensure that they always meet the requirements of standardized conditions, and play a leading and leading role. Enterprises that no longer meet the requirements of the standard conditions will be withdrawn from the announcement list.

What basic requirements should enterprises applying for the Normative Conditions meet? According to the above person in charge, according to the provisions of the Administrative Measures, enterprises applying for the Normative Conditions need to register according to law; Meet the requirements of Specification Conditions; Abide by national laws and regulations and have no major violations; No major or more production safety accidents have occurred in recent 3 years; The electric bicycle products produced and sold in recent two years have not caused major or more fire accidents due to their own quality problems. The subsidiaries of the group company with independent legal personality need to apply for standard announcement separately; If the same enterprise has multiple production plants located at different addresses, each production plant also needs to apply separately. (Source: Economic Daily reporter: Li Pengda)

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(Editor in charge: Jiang Zhiwen)