Awakening the dusty memory of "212", the film watching ceremony of "Buer Chesheng" was held grandly

2024-05-13 11:14 Source: China Economic Network

China Economic Network, May 13 - Last Friday (May 10), the first episode of the series of historical documentaries of Chicheng Ji, the movie watching ceremony of "The Best Car", was held in Laixi, Qingdao. This documentary looks at his father's experience of joining the army from the perspective of a young man. It shows the deep feelings of two generations for the 212 SUV by telling the young man the process from never understanding to finally understanding.

Chicheng series documentaries are divided into three parts with the purpose of public welfare, aiming to arouse the common memory of Chinese people, highlight the style of national brands, reflect the glorious history of China's automobile industry after 70 years of development, inherit the red gene, and stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of contemporary people.

Du Bo, the director of the documentary "Bu Er Che Sheng", shares the creation process

Du Bo, the director of Bu Er Che Sheng, said, "When I created this documentary, I thought that after years of vigorous development in our country, there are some cognitive differences between the older generation and the current young people. They will definitely form some collisions in emotion. This collision is not only a kind of inheritance, but also some differences in the perception of responsibility. They must have some interesting stories. "

"Therefore, the film" Buer Chesheng "is based on this as the starting point, to write two generations of people, to write a piece of equipment, to write about the understanding of responsibility of the older generation and the new generation of young people." Du Bo continued.

"I saw a kind of spiritual inheritance, as well as a kind of interweaving of historical massiveness and warmth in the film" Buer Chesheng "." A movie goer said, "The father's insistence on 212 cars in the film is actually a generation's insistence on something. The film makes a very good combination and penetration of 212 tough off-road image and father's tenacity. "

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(Editor in charge: Jiang Zhiwen)