Ford hires former Lucid executives to serve as new CFOs

2024-05-13 07:07 Source: Gesch Motors

According to foreign media reports, Ford announced on May 10 that it would promote its chief financial officer John Lawler as vice chairman, and hired Sherry House, the former chief financial officer of Lucid Motors, to replace the CFO.

Ford said that Lawler will gradually transition from the chief financial officer to the new position, and House will serve as the vice president of finance from next month. She will be responsible for financial planning and analysis, as well as the financial organization of the company's three major automotive businesses. At the beginning of 2025, she will officially take over the post of CFO of the company.

Ford said that Lawler's new position as vice chairman will take effect next month, mainly responsible for the company's strategic development, global partnership and contact with global leaders. He will continue to report to CEO Jim Farley.

Farley said in a statement: "The progress we have made in the Ford+strategy enables us to take these measures and raise the strategic focus and execution to a new level. Lawler is an outstanding strategic business leader. He can use his talent and global experience to help Ford compete with other enterprises and win in this rapidly changing and highly competitive environment.

At the same time, when Ford urgently needs to establish a profitable electric vehicle business, create new regular revenue sources, and create a more dynamic and flexible enterprise, House has added important leadership to Ford. She can combine her deep foundation and enthusiasm for the automotive industry with practical experience in investment banking, travel and technology (including electric vehicles and autonomous driving). "

Lawler has worked at Ford for more than 30 years and was appointed CFO in 2020. He helped Ford tide over the pandemic, and helped formulate the company's "Ford+" growth plan, including splitting the business into three independent business units. (Gaishi Automobile Nebula)

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(Editor in charge: Jiang Zhiwen)