SAIC Roewe releases DMH technology brand to accelerate the creation of "the first camp of plug-in"

2024-05-11 07:39 Source: China Economic Network

Shanghai, May 11, China Economic Network (reporter Guo Yue) Yesterday, the DMH technology brand conference was held in Shanghai. SAIC Roewe released the technology brand of "DMH super hybrid technology", giving full play to SAIC Group's technology accumulation in the hybrid field for more than ten years, and interpreting the concept of "super hybrid is super hybrid".

Guo Yue/photographer at DMH Technology Brand Conference

At the technical conference, Yao Chunde, professor of Tianjin University and deputy director of the top ten engine judges of "China Heart", said that the development of plug-in hybrid technology is the general trend, and only Chinese automobile enterprises can do a good job of leading plug-in hybrid technology. He explained that, on the one hand, plug-in hybrid technology has strong user demand in China, providing fertile ground for vehicle enterprises to develop plug-in hybrid technology. More importantly, the breakthrough of Chinese automobile enterprises in plug-in hybrid technology is based on real use scenarios, which combines the advantages of traditional fuel vehicles and electric vehicles to bring users a real optimal travel solution.

Lu Yong and Guo Yue/photo

Lu Yong, Deputy General Manager of SAIC Group Passenger Vehicle Company, Executive Vice President of SAIC Group Innovation Research and Development Institute, and Executive Deputy Director of the Technology Center, said, "At present, hybrid technology is in full bloom, products are emerging in endlessly, and user acceptance is getting higher and higher. Data predict that by 2025, pure electricity and plug-in hybrid will be 1:1."

As early as 2010, SAIC Motor Co., Ltd. prospectively laid out the field of plug-in hybrid technology. In 2017, the first generation EDU hybrid technology independently developed by SAIC won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. At the same time, thanks to SAIC's in-depth self research on the core technology of powertrain, SAIC will also exceed 46% in the key index engine thermal efficiency that affects the performance of hybrid system. After long-term technology accumulation and market verification, the DMH super hybrid technology released at the conference has reached a higher level of integration and intelligence, which is a new driving force for SAIC's independent brand to maintain long-term competitiveness.

Guo Yue/photo

Focus on DMH super hybrid technology, which has three major technical characteristics of modularization, integration and specialization. According to modular design and serialized configuration, the system can cover the driving needs and fuel consumption regulations of different users around the world through a set of systems matching different hybrid routes such as PHEV/EREV/HEV. At the same time, the system has innovative "energy domain" global thermal management, powertrain brain PICU, engine+P1 motor coaxial structure and other technologies, with software algorithm as the core, It is matched with special hardware such as hybrid special efficient engine, gearbox, long endurance battery, and achieves super integration of "hard and soft".

Rongwei D7 DMH Guo Yue/photo

At present, the DMH super hybrid technology has taken the lead in carrying on Roewe D7 DMH and Roewe D5X DMH, and the product strength has been greatly improved. Qiu Jie, vice president of SAIC Group Innovation Research and Development Institute and general manager of Jieneng Automobile Company, said that in the next three years, DMH super hybrid technology brand will carry out higher dimensional performance improvement in five key areas of engine, gearbox, battery, motor and energy control brain. For example, the engine thermal efficiency will break through 46%, and take the lead in meeting the "Euro 7" emission standard in China; In terms of transmission technology, the target carbon dioxide emissions of the oil electric hybrid line will not exceed 95 g/km, and the plug-in hybrid and the incremental electric line will adopt a new dual coaxial scheme; The energy control brain continues to optimize, and it is expected to release the concept of the next generation vehicle energy center in 2025.

Zu Xiangjie and Guo Yue/photo

Technology upgrading is also the core of improving the competitiveness of Chinese cars and Chinese brands. Zu Xujie, vice president and chief engineer of SAIC Group, said: "Brand building is an important support for further developing China's intelligent connected new energy vehicle industry. At present, SAIC is benchmarking to build itself into a world-class enterprise, striving to build itself into a trillion level auto industry group with global industrial competitiveness and international brand influence. By building SAIC with technology, quality and responsibility, SAIC will continue to make its brand known. The introduction of DMH super hybrid technology is the "super integration" of SAIC Science and Technology, SAIC Quality and SAIC Responsibility, and also an important practice to promote SAIC brand. "

Guo Yue/photo

The release of DMH super hybrid technology brand also marks that SAIC Roewe will fight for quality and value in the new energy market with a more confident brand image and stronger product competitiveness. In the future, relying on the DMH super hybrid technology brand, Roewe will also gather advantageous resources from all parties to accelerate the creation of the "first camp of plug-in hybrid", providing global users with new options for Chinese brand hybrid.

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(Editor in charge: Jiang Zhiwen)