New energy vehicle intelligent industry cooperation ushers in change

2024-05-11 07:01 Source: Economic Information Daily

As the new energy vehicle industry enters the second half of intelligence, industrial cooperation has also ushered in profound changes. At the just concluded 2024 Beijing International Auto Show, intelligent travel technology company Siwei Tu released the NI in Car intelligent integrated solution (hereinafter referred to as "NI in Car"). The NI in Car launched this time is a systematic product created by Siwei Tuxin based on its own capabilities. NI in Car will help automobile enterprises achieve intelligent leaps at a low cost and promote further cooperation in the industry.

The reporter learned that NI in Car is a product that integrates intelligent driving and intelligent cockpit functions after the integrated intelligent driving of intelligent driving L2 and L2+driving and parking (driving and parking). It has two platforms: integrated parking (cockpit and parking) and integrated parking (cockpit, driving and parking).

Based on this scheme, the vehicle enterprise can unlock the high-speed pilot function even in the state of low computing power. At the same time, NI in Car can also use human-computer co driving navigation, driving behavior analysis model, data fusion innovation, etc. to select user focus functions and provide cross domain, multi-mode, multi screen, multi scene cockpit applications for drivers and passengers. More importantly, through software correlation, NI in Car has also successfully reduced the cost of intelligence by more than 20%, providing more competitive products for the market.

In addition, the new aspect of the four-dimensional map revealed that the company also cooperated with Zhongke Chuangda to integrate the advantageous technologies and resources of both sides and jointly launched a new 3D navigation map solution. At present, this solution has been installed on the - 8255 platform of the Zhongke Chuangda Dishui OS Smart Module, which can bring users an unprecedented immersive driving experience.

In the new aspect of the four-dimensional map, as L2+level assisted driving is about to enter the outbreak period, the market demand side has ushered in a profound change. It is observed that at present, the models on sale between 100000 yuan and 200000 yuan account for nearly half of the sales volume of the market, becoming the main force in the popularization of automobile intelligence. However, there is still the problem of incremental non profit increase in this market. The average gross profit of a considerable number of non leading automobile enterprises is less than 10%. In addition, the product iteration is accelerated, and the pace of intelligence is different, leading to the inability of many automobile enterprises to control the whole stack of core technologies.

Meng Qingxin, Siwei Tuxin CMO and Secretary of the Board of Directors, said in an interview that the industry is facing the dual challenges of price war and technology war, industrial cooperation and business model will also usher in profound changes, and NI in Car will help automobile enterprises to achieve intelligent leaps at a small cost.

"We have integrated resources in data, computing power, smart cabin and smart driving, and successfully created an integrated application solution integrating cockpit and intelligent driving in two domains." Meng Qingxin said, "NI in Car is a cost-effective product promoted in the process of transformation from four-dimensional graphics to new Tier1 (tier one supplier). At present, most automobile enterprises have very low profits. If they set up their own teams to develop intelligent solutions, they will lead to higher costs and lower cost performance. Therefore, the industry trend is changing from full stack self research to full stack controllable. Based on this, we have formed a set of systematic and complete solutions. "

At present, whether it has the urban NOA (driving assistance system) function has become a yardstick to measure the ability of advanced intelligent driving. Many car enterprises emphasize reducing their dependence on high-precision maps in the process of promoting the development of intelligent driving technology, and have launched "no map" or "light map" intelligent driving systems, However, 4D Tuxin still insists on applying high-precision mapping technology to NI in Car.

Meng Qingxin said that there are two main concerns of auto enterprises about high-precision maps: first, data compliance. Enterprises without map qualification cannot generate data related to maps; Second, in the past, the production of high-precision maps required collecting vehicles to scan the data and send it back to the back end for analysis and processing, resulting in high costs. However, with the improvement of the automation rate of map data collection, the efficiency of map production has been improved. In addition, now relevant departments are actively promoting the collection of multiple sources, which greatly reduces the cost of map production. She said, "Under the complex urban scenes and higher level of automatic driving requirements, high-precision maps are still essential. High precision maps are not only a function key, but also a security key."

It is understood that the four-dimensional map was established in 2002. Previously, it mainly provided products and services such as high-precision maps, high-precision positioning and lane level navigation for the market. In recent years, four-dimensional Tuxin has extended its business to intelligent driving technology, intelligent cockpit, automotive electronic chips, Internet of Vehicles and other fields. Economic Information Daily Reporter Fu Yong

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(Editor in charge: Jiang Zhiwen)