In April, 94% of new passenger cars imported from Russia came from China

2024-05-08 07:44 Source: Reference Message Network

According to a report on the website of Russia Satellite News Agency on May 7, Autostat, a Russian auto market analysis agency, said that 94% of new passenger cars imported by Russia in April came from China.

In April 2024, Russia imported 57812 new passenger cars. In the same month, among the second-hand cars imported from Russia, the proportion of Chinese cars increased to 3.3% from less than 1% in January. The used cars imported from Russia mainly come from Japan (66%) and South Korea (13.4%).

Western countries and Japan have banned the export of certain cars to Russia under the framework of the sanctions regime. Japan, which has been the main supplier of Russian cars for a long time, is prohibited from exporting cars with engine displacement of more than 1.9 liters and all hybrid and pure electric vehicles to Russia from August 2023. (Refer to Message Network)

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(Editor in charge: Guo Yue)