Tesla sues Indian battery manufacturer for trademark infringement

2024-05-07 10:57 Source: Gesch Motors

According to foreign media reports, Tesla, an electric vehicle manufacturer under Elon Musk, filed a lawsuit against an Indian battery manufacturer because the latter used the brand "Tesla Power" when promoting its products. Tesla asked a judge in New Delhi to award compensation to the Indian battery manufacturer and permanently prohibit its infringement.

Last week, Tesla said at the hearing held by the Delhi High Court that although the court had issued a notice to the Indian battery manufacturer in April 2022 to stop using the "Tesla Power" brand, the company was still using the brand to advertise its products.

At the hearing, the Indian company, Tesla Power India Pvt Ltd, argued that its main business was to produce "lead-acid batteries" and had no intention of producing electric vehicles. Court records show that after the Indian company submitted a set of documents supporting its defense, the judge allowed the company to submit a written reply within three weeks.

Musk's Tesla Company was registered in Delaware, USA, and Tesla accused the Indian enterprise of using the trademarks "Tesla Power" and "Tesla Power USA". The court records include a screenshot of a website, which shows that the company claims that Tesla Power USA LLC is also headquartered in Delaware, and is "recognized as the pioneer and leader in launching affordable batteries", and "has a very strong influence in India".

Manoj Pahwa, the representative of Indian Tesla Power, told the media that the company had entered the Indian market long before Tesla in Musk and had obtained the approval of all government departments. He said: "We have never claimed that we are related to Elon Musk's Tesla Company."

Tesla told the judge that in 2022, the company found that the Indian company was using its own brand name and tried to prevent its infringement, but it failed, so it was forced to file a lawsuit.

Before the case, Musk canceled his plan to visit India on April 21 to meet with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A few days later, Musk suddenly visited China and made progress in launching advanced driving assistance software packages. Many Indian commentators said that Mask's cancellation of his trip to India and his move to China was a snub to the Indian market.

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(Editor in charge: Guo Yue)