Walk straight after running a horse? Beware of "Running Knee"

2023-04-19 15:50 Source: Wuhan Evening News

Wuhan Evening News (reporter Liu Xuan, correspondent Yang Jing) On April 16, the Wuhan Marathon was successfully held. While fully experiencing the enthusiasm of the city and enjoying the joy of sports, some amateur runners are also troubled by sports injuries. On the 18th, experts from the Sports Medicine Department of the Fourth Hospital of Wuhan warned that if the knee continues to ache after a long distance run and you have to walk straight, it is likely that you encounter a "running knee" and you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

On April 16, Mr. Li, 34, successfully completed a healthy run. After the game, Mr. Li felt a slight pain on the outside of his right knee. It was originally thought that it was just a normal phenomenon after excessive fatigue. After a day of rest, the knee pain still did not alleviate, but there were signs of aggravation. As long as you bend your knee when walking, you will feel "burning". On the morning of the 18th, he came to Wuhan Fourth Hospital for consultation.

Zhang Shaohua, the outpatient doctor of the Sports Medicine Department, saw Mr. Li walk into the consulting room with his legs straight, and he knew eight or nine points. After careful examination, he told Mr. Li that these symptoms were caused by iliotibial band friction syndrome.

The iliotibial band is located on the outside of the thigh and is the tendon tissue connecting the pelvis and tibia. In the high-intensity activity of marathon, the iliotibial band will repeatedly slide forward and backward along with the knee flexion and extension, and aseptic inflammation may occur after a long time, mainly manifested as burning pain on the outside of the knee, especially when the knee is bent 20-30 degrees, severe or even unable to bend the knee for walking. In order to relieve pain, some people will instinctively walk with straight legs.

Zhang Shaohua introduced that after the marathon, more than one patient like Mr. Li was basically a healthy runner without systematic training. Some did not run too long before, and this "leapfrog challenge"; Or to keep up with the large forces and force the pace to increase; Some of them have some problems with running posture... Fortunately, the common injuries are not serious, and most of them can be treated by rest, physical therapy, and muscle effect sticking.

He pointed out that this situation is also commonly known as "running knee" because it is more common among long-distance runners. At the Marathon Expo before the race, Zhang Shaohua noticed that many runners who came to the hospital booth for consultation already had signs of iliotibial tract syndrome. People with X-shaped legs, flat feet, pelvis tilt and other lower limb abnormalities are more likely to suffer from iliotibial band friction syndrome.

Zhang Qingsong, director of the Sports Medicine Department, said that to avoid this situation, runners need to fully warm up, fully extend the iliotibial band, and avoid suddenly increasing the amount of running or the frequency of climbing and downhill. In daily exercise, strength training of hip and knee muscles can be targeted to increase the stability of hip and knee joints. It should be noted that if the pain cannot be relieved after rest and initial self treatment, it is better to seek medical advice in time.

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(Editor in charge: Han Lu)