Pear breast and lean meat soup moistens the lung and promotes fluid production

2023-04-10 17:03 Source: Guangzhou Daily

Main efficacy: moisten lung and promote fluid production

Highlight: Spring Soup

Material Science:

30g preserved pear, 10g ophiopogon japonicus, 3 red dates, 1 honey date, 300g lean meat, and several pieces of ginger (3-4 persons).

Cooking method:

Clean the lean meat and blanch it in water. Put the preserved pears, ophiopogon japonicus, red dates and honey dates into the stew cup. Add 2L water and stew for 1 hour. Finally, add salt to taste when drinking.

Comments on soup:

In Chaoshan, there are melons and fruits in different seasons. Among them, some fruits have unique characters, such as green peel pear, bird pear and sweet oil, which are sour or astringent or sweet. It seems that it is difficult to approach them, but it can not meet people's pursuit of delicious food. After processing, the taste of sour, astringent, sweet and sweet is constantly changing at the tip of the tongue, leaving people with endless aftertaste.

As soon as the green peel pears are ripe, most of the fruits are sold to other places. Only those with ordinary appearance can be used to make pear preserves. Pear breast can be drunk by flushing water or boiling soup. It can clear away heat, reduce fire, moisten lung and generate fluid. Spring is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, and lung health care is also an important theme of health care in spring. This soup of dried pear and lean meat is sweet and tastes good. The dried pear can be used with ophiopogon japonicus to nourish the yin and lungs, and with red dates and ginger to warm and strengthen the spleen. It can neutralize the cold nature of pears, moisturize and not be cold. Article/Zhao Dongqin, full media reporter of Guangzhou Daily

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(Editor in charge: Han Lu)