High incidence of hand foot mouth disease Scientific prevention

2023-04-03 15:08 Source: Tonight News

Tonight's News (Reporter Liu Bo): As April comes, hand foot mouth disease is gradually entering the high incidence season. Tianjin CDC suggested that parents should do a good job in the prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease in children.

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common infectious disease in children caused by enterovirus infection. It usually occurs in infants and young children aged 5 years and below, with the highest incidence rate between the ages of one and two. It is characterized by fever and rash or herpes on the hands, feet, buttocks or mouth. HFMD has a complex transmission route, which can be transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory droplets, or contact with patients' oral and nasal secretions, skin or mucous membrane herpes fluid, contaminated hands and objects. Inoculation of inactivated enterovirus 71 vaccine can effectively prevent severe hand foot mouth disease and death caused by enterovirus 71.

If the child suffers from hand foot mouth disease with mild symptoms, parents can take care of the child at home, prepare some light food for the child, and prevent the child from scratching the rash and causing secondary infection. Children treated at home should avoid contact with other children to reduce cross infection. If the child has high fever or convulsions, he or she should go to a regular medical institution in time. At ordinary times, parents should pay attention to training children to wash their hands correctly after using public goods and after defecating before meals; Before using public goods, disinfect them first, and regularly disinfect the articles that children often contact, toys used, tableware, etc; Clean and disinfect household articles; If the child has a fever or rash, seek medical advice in time. HFMD is highly contagious. Children diagnosed with HFMD should not be sent to public places such as kindergartens or schools. They can resume classes 7 days after their symptoms completely disappear.

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(Editor in charge: Han Lu)