How to choose when eating Chinese toon

2023-03-27 10:21 Source: Tonight News

Tonight News (reporter Zhuang Yuan) Recently, a large number of Chinese toons began to appear on the market, and the price has dropped compared with the previous period, which is a good time to eat. Wang Meng, a nutrition catering professional, introduced how to choose toon and how to do it.

Toon has the function of invigorating spleen, removing dampness, tonifying kidney and nourishing hair. The "best taste period" of Chinese toon is very short. Once the small purple buds turn green, they are not delicious.

The first way to choose Chinese toons is to look at the length. Try to buy short ones, which are more tender. The longer the Chinese toons are, the older they are. Second, look at the color. The fresh and tender Chinese toon leaves are brownish red and not easy to pull off. If the leaves are green and fall off at a touch, it means they are old. Third, look at the thickness. If the Chinese toon stem is thick, it means that it is a new sprout. If the stem is thin, it means that the harder the stem is, the older the Chinese toon is. Four smells. If you can smell the fragrance when you buy Chinese toon, it means that it is relatively fresh. If you smell a smell, it is likely that it is a close relative of Chinese toon, and cannot be eaten.

Toon has its own unique flavor, which is not acceptable to everyone. Wang Meng taught everyone a delicious method of Chinese toon, which was loved by children.

Fried Toon Fish

Rinse the Chinese toon, blanch it in boiling water for 1 minute, remove it and drain it for standby. Beat the eggs, add water and mix well, then add starch, flour and salt, and mix well to make a paste without pimples and with a little consistency. Pour a certain depth of oil into the pan. When the oil is 70% hot, put the Chinese toon wrapped with paste into the pan and fry it. Fry until the surface is set and slightly colored, and then fish out. After the first time of frying, continue to heat until the oil temperature rises a little. Add the Chinese toon sprouts in batches and fry them again until they are golden. It tastes better with salt and pepper.

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(Editor in charge: Han Lu)