Choose celery and focus on these four points

2023-03-24 14:14 Source: Tonight News

Tonight's News (reporter Di Hui): Celery is often eaten but not picked. Is that you? Chen Tao, a professional chef in our city, teaches you how to select delicious and refreshing celery, so that you will never have to worry about getting old and tasteless celery.

Look at the rhizome: if the rhizome looks green and plump without any spots on the surface, it is fresh celery. If the roots look yellow, or even a little soft and shriveled, don't buy such celery.

Look at the petiole: The fresh celery petiole is light green. If the petiole is dark green, most of it is old. The taste is poor, so it is recommended not to buy it. As for the thickness of the petiole, don't be too tangled.

Look at the leaves: good celery, the color of the leaves is emerald green, slightly darker than the color of the petioles. If the leaves have turned yellow, or withered or rotted, it means that the quality of celery is poor.

Smell: The smell of celery is its characteristic, so when you buy celery, you should buy one that has a strong taste and a weak smell. Don't buy such celery.


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(Editor in charge: Han Lu)