25 year old man with acute heart failure underwent heart aortic valve replacement under ECMO to restart life

2023-01-18 10:36 Source: Wuhan Evening News

Wuhan Evening News (reporter Zou Yaqin, correspondent of Li Qing, Xiao Xiaochan) A 25-year-old man suffered from acute heart failure, accompanied by multiple organ dysfunction, cardiac arrest and other dangerous emergencies, and his life was on the line. Recently, the East Hospital and the main hospital of Wuhan University People's Hospital started the "relay race" of life care through multidisciplinary interaction, and finally saved this young life.

Xiao Zhang (surnamed Hua) suffered from congenital heart valve malformation. Ten years ago, he found out the functional bivalvation of aortic valve, moderate to severe stenosis and insufficiency of closure. At that time, he underwent aortic valvuloplasty.

However, recently he was admitted to the Cardiovascular Department of the East Hospital of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University due to cardiac discomfort. During hospitalization, Xiao Zhang suddenly turned pale, his lips were cyanotic, and his whole body was sweating heavily. He could not lie flat but could only breathe while sitting, and his lower limbs were severely swollen. The blood oxygen saturation was only 70%, and the blood pressure could not be measured at all. He was upset and very painful.

He was transferred to the Department of Critical Care Medicine in an emergency, and a "relay race" of life care was launched.

After being admitted to the ICU, the critical care expert team made an urgent study and judgment that Xiao Zhang had suffered from cardiogenic shock, severe metabolic acidosis, respiratory failure and multiple organ dysfunction, and any one of these conditions would be enough to take the life of the 25-year-old. After the medical staff carried out invasive mechanical ventilation through endotracheal intubation in an emergency, Xiao Zhang's breathing rate slowed down, gradually calmed down under the injection of analgesic and sedative drugs, and fell asleep slowly.

But the medical staff dare not relax at all. The ECG monitor indicated that Zhang frequently had multiple ventricular premature beats. This is a bad signal. When Zhou Chenliang, the director of the department, further communicated with his family, Xiao Zhang suddenly stopped beating. As doctors began to press the heart outside the chest, they quickly started the highest level life support "weapon" - extracorporeal membrane lung (ECMO).

With the full rescue of the medical team, the ECMO was successfully operated 20 minutes later. Xiao Zhang recovered his sinus rhythm, and his blood pressure also rebounded. The medical team was relieved for the time being.

Zhou Chenliang led the team to continue to strip the cocoon. After careful clinical analysis, it was considered that Xiao Zhang was infectious endocarditis.

After identifying the cause, the critical care team adjusted the treatment plan in a timely manner. After the symptomatic anti infection treatment, Xiao Zhang's infection index decreased, the cardiac ejection function slowly improved, and the ECMO support parameters gradually decreased.

After 6 days of severe treatment, Xiao Zhang's vital signs gradually stabilized and the functions of various organs gradually recovered. But because of the serious infection of aortic valve, the function of aortic valve can not be recovered. In order to successfully remove ECMO, surgery must also be performed. The baton of life rescue was handed to the team of Wu Zhiyong, director of cardiovascular surgery of the hospital, and the team of anesthesia department.

After being transferred to the cardiovascular surgery in the main hospital, the medical team further adjusted Xiao Zhang's cardiac function to make him tolerate surgery. The anesthesia team closely cooperated and escorted. Professor Wu Zhiyong's operation team replaced a new aortic valve for Zhang wearing ECMO according to the established operation plan. After the operation, he removed the ECMO.

After nearly 10 days of rehabilitation treatment, Xiao Zhang successfully pulled out the endotracheal tube, evacuated the ventilator, and was able to get out of bed and move. He recovered and was discharged on January 15.

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(Editor in charge: Han Lu)