Build a good investor protection ecology and maintain the stable operation of the capital market

2024-05-18 09:19 Source: Securities Daily

Our reporter Zhu Baochen

Trainee reporter Mao Yirong

On May 17, the sixth "May 19 Small and Medium Investors Protection Publicity Week", which was initiated and hosted by Securities Daily and China Securities Small and Medium Investors Service Center, co sponsored by Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau and supported by China Association of Listed Companies, entered Tianjin.

The theme of this year's event is "Consolidate investment, education and innovation to promote and protect investors". In the morning of the same day, investors came to the 18th Street Mahua Culture Museum of Gui Faxiang, a listed company, to visit the standard workshop producing 18th Street Mahua, and visited the product exhibition hall where Gui Faxiang has developed and developed products for many years. At the scene, the relevant responsible person of Gui Faxiang introduced to the investors the innovative highlights, development planning and protection of characteristic investors in brand marketing, product research and development, channel construction and other aspects of the company, and interacted with investors.

In the afternoon, investors walked into Tiankai High Education Science and Technology Innovation Park to listen to the voices of market participants.

Media is an important link in the investor protection chain. Kang Shouyong, vice president of Securities Daily and chief editor of China Painting and Calligraphy magazine, said that for investor protection, regulators, market players, media, investors and other aspects should earnestly perform their duties, build a good investor protection ecosystem, and finally form legal protection, regulatory protection, market protection The general pattern of self-discipline protection and self-protection. Only by protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors can we better maintain the steady operation of the capital market. "There is no end to investor protection. In the future, Securities Daily will make more use of financial media platform, further improve public opinion supervision, and realize three-dimensional support for insurance work."

Local securities regulatory bureaus play an important role in investor protection. The relevant person in charge of Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau said that in 2023, the jurisdiction will mediate 24 disputes and reach 6 settlements, with a total settlement amount of 1.738 million yuan. The market operators in the jurisdiction will be urged to actively implement the mediation agreement reached, and the implementation rate of the mediation agreement reached by the market entities will reach 100%. In the next step, Tianjin Securities Regulatory Bureau will play the role of a large insurance mechanism, strengthen overall coordination, take the initiative to communicate with the CSRC system, local governments, judicial authorities and other relevant departments and units, actively mobilize all forces in the market, and continue to do a good job in investor education and publicity, rights protection and relief, appeal handling, and diversified solutions to securities and futures disputes, More effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially small and medium-sized investors.

"As a national self regulatory organization with companies in the above cities as the main body, the China Association of Listed Companies takes many measures to carry out investor protection related work by encouraging and guiding listed companies to do a good job in investor relations management." Liu Cuilan, Deputy Secretary General of the China Association of Listed Companies, said in a video speech, relying on the Professional Committee of Investor Relations Management of the China Association of Listed Companies, Hold a series of special trainings, carry out market wide investment management investigation and evaluation, advocate best practices, carry out investment and education publicity, and continue to advocate listed companies to strengthen relevant management and investor protection.

On the spot, Kang Jianghui, senior executive manager of the Investment and Education Department of CSI Small and Medium Investors Service Center, introduced the main work of the Investor Service Center in investor protection, including shareholding exercise, dispute mediation, rights protection litigation, investor service, investor education, etc. Taking shareholding exercise as an example, data shows that by the end of February 2024, the Investor Service Center has held 5351 shares of listed companies in the Shanghai Shenzhen North Exchange, exercised 4160 rights in total, and exercised 5629 shareholder rights, including the right to suggest, inquire, vote, consult, litigate, and convene extraordinary shareholders' meetings.

A good investor relationship management of listed companies can significantly improve the transparency and fairness of the market and provide investors with a better investment environment. Guo Rui, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Tianjin Youfa Steel Pipe Group Co., Ltd., said: "On the one hand, the company improves the internal investment value of the enterprise by doing a good job in production and operation; on the other hand, it actively demonstrates the enterprise value to investors by strengthening the management of investor relations, guides investors to understand the company objectively and rationally, and reduces information asymmetry."

Brokers, law firms and other intermediaries play an important role in protecting the interests of investors, improving their financial literacy and maintaining the order of the capital market. On the spot, Ji Xu, senior lecturer of Capital Securities Tianjin Investment and Education Base and senior investment consultant of Capital Securities, introduced the basic investment knowledge of Beijing Stock Exchange and how to prevent illegal issuance of shares to investors; Guo Xubin, senior platinum investment consultant of CSCI Securities Co., Ltd., shared the investment and financing positioning and characteristics of GEM under the registration system; Wang Xiaojing, Deputy Director of BOC Beijing (Tianjin) Law Firm, shared common legal risks and risk prevention methods in the process of investment and financing.

At the end of the activity, investors visited Tiankai High Education Science and Technology Innovation Park.

Peng Chunlai, deputy editor in chief of Securities Daily, attended the event.

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(Editor in charge: Cai Qing)