Work together to make the new industry standard a "gold standard" for protecting investors' rights and interests

2024-05-17 06:51 Source: China Securities Journal

Reporter Hu Yulinqian

Protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors is the eternal theme and important mission of the healthy development of the capital market. At the approaching of the "May 15 National Investor Protection Publicity Day", the Securities Association of China, together with the securities industry, has jointly prepared two new standards for investor protection groups, namely, the Standards for Handling Complaints of Securities Companies and the Standards for Customer Return Visit of Securities Companies, to further standardize the workflow links related to complaint handling and customer return visit of securities companies, Advocate the industry to actively carry out group standardization work.

On May 16, the relevant person in charge of CICC Wealth Securities said in an interview with a reporter from China Securities Journal that the new standards, combined with industry best practices, provide more refined and systematic operating guidelines for complaint handling and customer return visits of securities companies. In the future, CICC Wealth Securities will continue to implement the above-mentioned new standards for complaint and return visit business, making the new industry standards the "gold standard" guiding the company's investor protection.

Brainstorm and protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors

The aforementioned person in charge of CICC Wealth Securities said that at present, there are more than 200 million A-share individual investors in China, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors concerns the vital interests of hundreds of millions of families and hundreds of millions of people. The formulation of new standards for the two groups is not only a technical process, but also a process of gathering industry wisdom and cultural consensus.

The person in charge believed that the new standard clearly defined the concepts related to complaint handling, differentiated the types of complaints in multiple dimensions, and specified the way and channel of complaints, handling principles, handling procedures, etc., which enabled securities companies to have a clear guidance when handling complaints, and clearly know how to act, It greatly improves work efficiency and customer satisfaction.

In terms of customer return visit, the new standard fills the gap in the securities industry in terms of customer return visit system specification. "In the past, there was a lack of unified standards and norms for the customer return visit work of securities companies, which led to uneven quality and effect of the return visit work. Now, with the new unified system standards, the customer return visit work of securities companies will be more standardized and orderly, which will help to improve the service level of the entire industry." The aforementioned person in charge said.

Increase measures to enhance investors' sense of gain and security

During the interview, the reporter learned that CICC Wealth Securities is also actively responding to the new measures of the Securities Association of China on investor protection with practical actions. In the work of customer complaint handling and customer return visit, it will always adhere to the concept of "taking customers as the center, valuing customers' interests, seeking a long way, and growing together", and increase measures to enhance investors' sense of gain and security.

According to the above person in charge, CICC Wealth Securities implements the first question responsibility system for customer complaints, and has always advocated the proper internal resolution of customer disputes and actively safeguard customer rights and interests. In terms of complaint handling, CICC Wealth Securities has taken a series of measures, including increasing staff compliance training, optimizing business processes, strengthening customer service notification and delisting business risk disclosure, etc. These measures have effectively reduced the number of customer complaints and provided investors with a better service experience.

In terms of actual effect, in 2023, CICC Wealth Securities will accept complaints transferred from the supervision department by 15% year on year, and the case settlement rate will reach 63%, effectively reducing the company's customer complaint rate; In 2023, the complaints of the company's overhead account and business handling customers will decrease by 50% year on year, and the complaints of customer notification will decrease by 57% year on year.

The return visit business of CICC Wealth Securities adopts the intensive management mode of the headquarters, and realizes the standardized management of all business return visits to improve business efficiency and reduce business risks; At the same time, through the online and intelligent return visit business, the company realizes the single customer multi task consolidation function, reduces the number of calls to customers, and improves customer service experience. These measures help the company better understand customer needs, optimize service processes, and improve customer satisfaction.

Looking forward to the future, the above-mentioned person in charge told reporters that CICC Wealth Securities would continue to implement the above-mentioned new standards for complaint and return visit business, making the new industry standards the "gold standards" guiding the company's investor protection work. "With the continuous development of the capital market and the deepening of investor protection, CICC Wealth Securities is expected to provide investors with more high-quality and efficient services in the future, play an active role in building a 'big insurance' pattern, protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and jointly promote the healthy development of China's capital market."

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(Editor in charge: Tian Yunfei)