The Japanese bread was mixed with rat debris, and the rat hole production line was found outside the plant involved

2024-05-22 15:14 Source: CCTV News

On May 21 local time, Fujima Bakery Co., Ltd., headquartered in Nagoya, Japan, issued an announcement on its official website, apologizing and explaining the recent incident of rat debris mixed into the company's bread products.


The announcement said that after professional identification, a mouse with a body length of about 6cm was mixed into the company's bread products. In addition, during the troubleshooting, the inspectors found a rat hole outside the plant of the Tama factory in Tokyo. Previously, this rat hole was not found during the regular inspection of the factory in April. The company speculated that the rats were drilled into the workshop from the rat hole and mixed into the raw materials for bread production.

The company said that it had added rat catching and rat repelling equipment in the factories involved to prevent similar problems from happening again. In addition, the relevant production lines of the plants involved are currently in a shutdown state. In order to thoroughly identify the causes and implement preventive measures, the time for the relevant production lines to resume production has not been determined yet. (Head Office reporter Li Weibing)

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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)