Japanese media: When raw materials become expensive and the yen depreciates, the cost of the 5 yen coin may exceed its face value

2024-05-22 07:19 Source: Global Network

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] According to the Nikkei Asia Review on the 20th, the production cost of Japanese yen 5 coins has gradually increased due to the rise in the price of raw materials and the depreciation of the yen, which does not rule out the possibility that the cost of coins exceeds their face value.

A 5 yen coin weighs 3.75 grams. The raw materials are copper and zinc, of which copper accounts for 60% - 70% and zinc accounts for 30% - 40%. It was reported that although the mints under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance of Japan did not disclose the cost of materials, according to market price estimates, the manufacturing cost of a 5 yen coin was about 4.66 yen, equivalent to 93% of the face value of the coin, an increase of 27% over the end of last year. At the same time, the estimated material cost of the 10 yen coin will also reach 7.45 yen. This is not only because the global non-ferrous metal market prices continue to rise, but also because the yen's exchange rate against the dollar hovers at a historical low.

However, the Ministry of Finance of Japan said, "The production of coins requires the purchase of non-ferrous metals such as copper, but most of the raw materials are recycled or recycled from the coins already in circulation. Therefore, it is currently considered that the impact on coin manufacturing is negligible." (Li Xiao)


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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)