British official: Don't just focus on Prime Minister Sunak's personal wealth, even though he is richer than the British king

2024-05-22 07:16 Source: Global Network

[Global Times comprehensive report] According to the British Times on the 20th, when talking about the personal wealth of Prime Minister Sunak, the current British cabinet members said that although he was richer than the British King, they hoped the public would pay attention to his political performance.

The Sunday Times Rich List in 2024 shows that Sunak and his wife, Murti, the daughter of Indian millionaires, are estimated to be worth 651 million pounds, most of which comes from the shares of Murti's father company Infosys. As the company's share price rose, the Sunak couple's share value in the company increased by more than 100 million pounds, making them surpass the King of England in the rich list. Sunak has been widely criticized for Multi's tax evasion.

According to the report, John Glenn, a close ally of Sunak and the Comptroller of the UK Treasury Department, said that the Prime Minister's huge wealth was a "private matter" and "who he fell in love with". Glenn proudly said: "We can rely on the Prime Minister to do the right thing for the long-term interests of the country." At present, Sunak is eager to prove to voters that Britain is going out of trouble under his decision-making and leadership. (Hai Ping)

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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)