British media: As global warming intensifies, northern Australia will be "uninhabitable" in the coming decades

2024-05-21 09:00 Source: Global Network

[Global Times comprehensive report] According to the Daily Mail on the 20th, due to the increasing global warming, parts of northern Australia will be "uninhabitable" in the coming decades, and human beings can only stay for 6 hours at most in the extremely hot and humid outdoor environment.

According to the report, Bill Hale, CEO of Climate Analysis, said that if the temperature rises by 1.5 degrees Celsius, towns such as Bloom and Catherine will no longer be livable for most of the year. Now, the Kimberley region has experienced a short period of deadly high temperature, and received reports of livestock deaths. In addition to Australia, extreme heat has also begun to spread in parts of Africa and Asia. Hale believes that this is "close to the limit of human habitability", but the situation will only get worse.

In order to change this situation, Hale proposed that Australia should achieve the goal of "net zero emissions" by 2050. It is reported that the spokesman of the Australian Ministry of Climate Change and Energy said that the federal budget for the next fiscal year includes an investment of 22.7 billion Australian dollars (about 110 billion yuan) to support green hydrogen energy, key minerals and solar energy manufacturing industries, help reduce global carbon and improve the adverse effects of extreme weather on people. (Linxi)


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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)