India Opens the Fifth Stage of General Election Voting, "Sensitive Voting Station" Sets a Record

2024-05-21 07:22 Source: Global Network

[Wang Yi, a special correspondent of the Global Times] According to the report of Indian New Delhi Television on the 20th, the fifth stage of the 18th election of the Indian People's House (the lower house of parliament) was voted on the same day. Voters from 49 constituencies in 6 states and two "Central Territories" participated in the fifth stage of voting.

The Press Trust of India reported on the 20th that about 89.5 million voters could vote at this stage. In West Bengal, security measures were strengthened in seven electoral districts with a history of election related violence. More than 57% of polling stations were identified as "sensitive polling stations" at this stage, setting a record for this session of the People's House election so far.

Indian politicians, stars and entrepreneurs lined up at the polling station early on the 20th. India's "livemint" website reported that the Congress Party leader Rahul Gandhi, Defense Minister Singh and other famous political figures were competing for seats in the fifth stage. The members of the Indian Cabinet must be members of the People's House or the Federal House (the upper house of Parliament). If the cabinet members lose in the People's Assembly election, they must be elected to the Federal Assembly within six months before they are eligible to continue serving as cabinet members.

After the fifth stage of voting, 3/4 of the 543 seats in the People's Court will be settled. Indian Prime Minister Modi said earlier that the NLD is expected to win more than 400 seats this time.

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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)