American media: Biden imposed tariffs on China, ending the era of cheap goods in the United States

2024-05-20 14:43 Source: Reference message

On May 20, it was reported on the website of the New York Times on May 18 that Biden's imposition of tariffs on China was the end of the era of cheap goods.

According to the report, in the first 20 years of the 21st century, many consumer goods on the shelves of American stores became less expensive. A large number of imports from China and other emerging economies helped to lower the prices of T-shirts, dining tables, household appliances and other goods.

On the 14th, US President Biden decided to upgrade the tariffs on China imposed by former President Trump. This clearly shows that the United States has ended an era of decades of embracing trade with China and valuing the benefits of cheap products.

According to the report, the Democrats and Republicans once joined hands to conduct economic contacts with China. They were driven by the theory that the United States would benefit from outsourcing production to countries that could supply certain goods at lower prices. Economists know that some American workers will lose their jobs, but they say that providing consumers with cheap goods and freeing up enterprises to invest in high value-added industries with innovative advantages in the United States will benefit the American economy as a whole.

According to the report, many economists who continue to support the reduction of trade restrictions on China said that Trump and Biden's policies may slow economic growth. They said that cutting off commodity competition with China might force American enterprises and consumers to spend money on expensive domestic commodities rather than on innovative products that can create new industries and new jobs.

Robert Hubbard, an economist at Columbia University, said, "We will have a negative impact on China's productivity because of our excessive spending in these areas."

Jennifer Harris, a former aide of Biden, said that if Biden's policy could not quickly lower the prices of American made products, voters would be dissatisfied.

According to the report, the poll shows that voters have been very dissatisfied with the rise in prices. Inflation concerns are putting pressure on Biden's chances of re-election. The new tariff may also damage Trump's support rate if it causes the price of related commodities to continue to rise.

These political issues are bringing uncertainty to the final direction of the US policy towards China in the new era. (Compiled by Hu Jing)


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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)