Iranian officials confirmed that President Leahy and other senior officials were killed in the helicopter accident

2024-05-20 14:18 Source: CCTV News

According to Teheran, the head office reporter, on the 20th local time, Iranian President Lech and other senior officials were killed in a helicopter accident. Iran's Vice President Mansuri also released news on his social media account on the same day, confirming that Iran's President Leahy was killed.

Iranian state television said that the Iranian government cabinet held a special meeting and would announce the funeral arrangements of Leahy and others.

On the afternoon of the 19th local time, a helicopter carrying the President of Iran, the Foreign Minister and other accompanying personnel had a hard landing accident in Warzagan, East Azerbaijan Province. After the accident, the Iranian side quickly organized rescue, but because of the traffic inconvenience in the accident area, poor mountain and forest conditions, and heavy fog weather, rescue operations were hindered.

In the early morning of the 20th local time, Turkey's Anadolu News Agency reported that the "Rangers" UAV sent by Turkey to Iran identified the heat source, which was probably the location of the helicopter accident, and provided Iran with the exact coordinates. Iranian rescue workers then determined the exact location of the helicopter. (Chief reporter Ni Zihui)

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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)