Kim Kin hee, South Korea's "first lady", appeared in the Buddhist community, and the opposition party was angry: she should face the law!

2024-05-20 07:23 Source: Global Network

[Mang Jiuchen, Special Correspondent of the Global Times in South Korea] On the 19th, President Yoon Seok yueh of South Korea and his wife Kim Kin hee, who was in the "bag collecting storm", attended the memorial ceremony for the return of Buddhist relics at the Kuiyan Temple in Yangzhou, Gyeonggi Province. According to Yonhap News Agency, the ceremony was held to commemorate the return of Buddhist relics to South Korea by the Boston Museum of Art on April 16 this year. When Yin Xiyue paid a state visit to the United States last April, Jin Jianxi visited the Boston Art Museum and proposed to discuss the return of relics again, paving the way for the return of relics to South Korea.

According to South Korea's NEWS1 news agency reported on the 19th, Jiang Yuzhen, the speaker of the National Assembly of the largest opposition party, the Common Democratic Party, said on the same day: "Ms. Kim should face the law. If she has a clear conscience, she should actively cooperate with the investigation, personally explain the national doubts and apologize. The human affairs arrangement of the procuratorial organ is not Ms. Kim's immunity."

Yonhap news agency reported that Yin Xiyue held talks with visiting Cambodian Prime Minister Hong Manai on the 16th. After the talks, Jin Jianxi attended the luncheon that day, which was her public participation in the event after 153 days. It is reported that the Procurator General of the Central District Procuratorate of Seoul, who is responsible for directing the investigation and handling of the case of the President's wife suspected of accepting famous brand bags and manipulating stock prices, changed his position on the 13th, while Lee Chang soo, the former Procurator General of the District Procuratorate of Seoul, officially took up this sensitive position on the 16th.

In this regard, Jiang Yuzhen said frankly that Jin Jianxi attended the official lunch for the Cambodian Prime Minister and his wife on the 16th. Today, he appeared as if nothing had happened in the Buddhist community's Buddhist relics return activities. Jin Jianxi, who pretended to be ignorant of the national feelings, and the President, who only wanted to protect his wife, "have been able to make people have painful and angry relics in their bodies".

Huang Jingya, spokesman of the Joint Democratic Party, said on the 17th that on the first day of work of the new Central District Procurator General of Seoul, known as the "pro Yin faction", Ms. Jin Jianxi publicly participated in the activities every 153 days. No citizen would believe this was an accidental coincidence.

According to the analysis of the Korea Times, Jin Jianxi has continued to attend the event as the "First Lady" recently, which means that she will probably accompany Yin Xiyue to the upcoming China Japan South Korea Summit and related diplomatic activities.


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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)