Slovak Prime Minister Fizo is out of danger

2024-05-20 07:14 Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Bratislava, May 19 (Reporter Wang Lili) On the 19th, the Slovak hospital said that Prime Minister Fizo, who was injured in the recent attack, was out of danger.

Milan Ebani, vice president of the Roosevelt University Hospital in Banca Bistreca, told the media on the 19th that according to the doctor's consultation that morning, Fizo was "not in danger of life" at present, "we firmly believe that everything will develop in a good direction". However, Fizo's condition is still very serious, and it will take a long time to recover.

On the same day, Slovak Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Kariniak said that it would take at least a few weeks for Fizo to recover, and there was no plan to transfer Fizo to other hospitals in the near future.

Fizo was shot and injured in Trenchin, central Slovakia on the 15th, and then was sent to Roosevelt University Hospital by helicopter, where he received two operations.

The suspect in the assassination of Fizo is a 71 year old male who has been controlled by the police and is now facing charges of "attempted murder".


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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)