The President of Georgia vetoed the Foreign Impact Transparency Act

2024-05-19 07:47 Source: CCTV News Client

According to RIA Novosti, on May 18 local time, Georgian President Zurabishvili said that she had rejected the Foreign Influence Transparency Act that would be passed by the resolution.

The Foreign Impact Transparency Act requires the media and non-governmental organizations that receive more than 20% of the funds from abroad to disclose the source of funds and register as "foreign affected institutions". When the Georgian government announced the launch of the bill on April 3, it proposed that the non transparency of non-governmental organizations' funds is one of the most serious security challenges Georgia faces. This program can enable the people to better monitor the activities of foreign non-governmental organizations in the country, which is conducive to safeguarding national interests and avoiding foreign forces from interfering in its internal affairs. On May 13, the Law Committee of Georgia's Parliament passed the bill on third reading. (Chief reporter Wang Delu)

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(Editor in charge: Shan Xiaobing)