New Ambassador to India Xu Feihong Delivers Copy of Credentials

2024-05-19 07:46 Source: Chinese Embassy in India

On May 14, 2024, the new ambassador to India, Xu Feihong, submitted a copy of credentials to Rohit Latish, Acting Director of Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India.

Ambassador Xu said that it is a great honor to be appointed by President Xi Jinping as China's ambassador to India, and he deeply felt the glorious mission and great responsibility. Thank India for facilitating my new appointment. At present, both China and India are committed to national development and revitalization. A healthy and stable China India relationship conforms to the common interests of both sides and is also conducive to the peace and development of the region and the world. I am willing to work with Indian friends to implement the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries, enhance understanding and mutual trust between China and India, deepen friendship between the two peoples, promote exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and promote China India relations to move forward on a healthy and stable track.

The Indian side welcomes Ambassador Xu's assumption of office, and expresses that the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India is willing to facilitate and assist the work of the ambassador and embassy.

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(Editor in charge: Shan Xiaobing)