Africa's first Jiaotong University was put into use in Nigeria

2024-05-19 07:44 Source: CCTV News Client

On the 17th, the Nigerian Federal Jiaotong University, invested and built by Chinese enterprises, was completed and put into use. At the handover ceremony held in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, more than 200 people, including the Nigerian Minister of Transport and other government officials, and representatives of Chinese enterprises, attended.

The Federal Jiaotong University of Nigeria began to enroll students in March this year, and now has more than 800 students. The school is the first Jiaotong University in Africa, which will train urgently needed professionals in the field of transportation and railway engineering for the local people and help Nigeria's transportation industry and economic development.

Sayidu Ahmed Alkali, Minister of Transport of Nigeria, thanked Chinese enterprises for their outstanding work in supporting the development of Nigerian student education.

Dai Hegen, head of Chinese enterprises: This Jiaotong University is a cradle for them (Nigeria) to cultivate talents. Only by cultivating talents can we achieve sustainable development.

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(Editor in charge: Shan Xiaobing)