The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to several international agencies' raising China's economic growth expectations

2024-05-18 07:57 Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 17 (Reporter Dong Xue) With regard to the recent increase in China's economic growth expectations for this year by the European Commission and a number of international financial institutions, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on the 17th that China's economic recovery has further strengthened the confidence of the international community in favoring and overweight China.

A reporter asked: The European Commission recently raised China's economic growth forecast for this year by 0.2 percentage points to 4.8% in its 2024 spring economic outlook report. Recently, many international financial institutions have also raised their expectations for China's economic growth this year. What is the speaker's comment on this?

Wang Wenbin said that since this year, China's economy has continued to pick up and make a good start to economic and social development. In the first quarter of this year, China's economy grew by 5.3%, and the trend of recovery and improvement was constantly consolidated. In April, the manufacturing purchasing managers' index was 50.4%. The import and export of goods trade increased by 8% year-on-year, reaching 3.64 trillion yuan, a record high in the same period of history.

"The recovery of China's economy has further strengthened the confidence of the international community to be optimistic about and overweight China." Wang Wenbin said that Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, UBS and other international financial institutions have recently raised their expectations for China's economic growth this year. The Asian Development Bank predicts that China will contribute 46% of the economic growth of developing Asian countries this year and next. Colney, an American management consulting service company, believes that China has a large economy and a stable and positive policy environment. In recent years, China has introduced measures such as the complete elimination of restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector, which has greatly boosted the confidence of international investors.

"China's development is an open development, and China's opportunities are opportunities for the world. A China whose economy is steadily moving forward and opening up is expanding will continue to become an engine of world economic growth and a hot spot for enterprises from all over the world to invest. We welcome everyone to continue to invest in China, deeply cultivate China, and win in China!" Wang Wenbin said.

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(Editor in charge: Miao Su)