Foreign media: The French Interior Minister said that a man with a knife who tried to set fire to a synagogue in the country was killed

2024-05-17 15:45 Source: Global Network

[Global Network News] According to the latest news from Agence France Presse on the 17th, French Interior Minister Darmanin said the same day that French police shot and killed a man with a knife who tried to set fire to a synagogue in Rouen, a port city in the north of the country.

It was reported that Darmanin said on social platform X on the 17th, "This morning, the national police in Rouen shot and killed an armed person who apparently wanted to set fire to the synagogue in the city."

Agence France Presse said that a source told the media that the man had once approached the police before he was killed, brandishing a knife and an iron bar.

Reuters, which also reported the news, added that in the context of tensions in the Middle East, France has raised its alert level to the highest level.

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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)