2024 "National Low Carbon Day" main event held in Changzhou

2024-05-16 09:12 Source: China Environment News

May 15 this year is the twelfth "National Low Carbon Day". The Ministry of Ecological Environment and the People's Government of Jiangsu Province jointly held the 2024 "National Low Carbon Day" main event in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. Liu Bingjiang, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and Hu Gang, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee, attended the event and delivered speeches.

China attaches great importance to tackling climate change. In recent years, China has implemented a national strategy to actively respond to climate change, promoted industrial and energy restructuring, adopted a series of measures such as energy conservation, improving energy efficiency, establishing and improving the carbon market, increasing forest carbon sinks, and improving adaptability. Positive progress has been made in addressing climate change, and new achievements have been made in the overall green transformation of economic and social development. The theme of this year's "National Low Carbon Day" is "Green, Low Carbon, Beautiful China", which aims to call on the whole society to form a simple, moderate, civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption mode, actively respond to climate change, jointly promote green and low carbon development, and build a beautiful China.

Since the establishment of the "National Low Carbon Day" in 2012, various activities have been held throughout the country to promote the concept of green low carbon and encourage green low carbon actions. The sponsor of the event proposed that all parties should actively participate in the work of combating climate change, starting from daily life and bit by bit, to save resources, reduce energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions, and contribute to building a green, low-carbon and beautiful China.

During the activity, relevant scientific research institutions, enterprises and personal representatives shared the practice and perception of green and low-carbon, and launched a series of publicity activities to address climate change.

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(Editor in charge: Wei Jinjin)